04 // You Guy Couldn't Have Gotten Here Five Minutes Ago?

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"Stiles!" A voice called.

I looked up from where I was eating one of the cookies Clary baked and my phone to see Izzy jogging towards me.

"We have a small mission to go on." She started. "Group of demons at the Alto Bar downtown, wanna come?"

"Sure." I said before I followed her out of the kitchen and to the front of the institute where Alec, Jace, and Clary were waiting.

I shoved my phone in my back pocket and made sure I had my stele before we exited the building and headed down to the Alto Bar.

When we arrived at the bar Izzy informed me that there were six demons.

I departed from them and approached the bar counter when I sat and scoped out the people

"Hey there." A voice said from beside me.

I shifted see and talk man with light brunette hair and blue eyes.

He was actually quite cute but I knew he was a demon by the way his eyes reflected off the lights above us to reveal they were glazed over.

But, decided to play along.

"Hi." I smiled as I leaned my elbow on the counter as I faced him. "What your name?"

"Cameron." He answered. "What about you?"

"Stiles." I replied.

"I haven't seen you around here Stiles." Cameron stated. "You new in town?"

"I've been here before a while back but I'm just visiting family for a couple weeks." I explained which wasn't a complete lie.

"I know this might be a weird question but are you into boys?" He asked slowly inching closing.

"Is this you're way of asking if I'm into you without actually asking it?" I questioned.

"Are you into me?" Cameron asked.

Instead of replying I just smirked and grabbed his hand before pulling him towards the back exit of the bar.

Once we were outside in the back alleyway I turned to see him smiling.

He urged forward a bit and pushed my against the wall before he started kissing my neck.

I rolled my eyes as I reached under my shirt and gripped the handle of my seraph blade.

As he continued to suck on the sensitive skin of my neck and swiftly killed I it my blade and stabbed the demon in the stomach causing him to gasp before he erupted into ash and disappeared.

I groaned as I wiped off his saliva from my neck before wiping my hand on my jeans.

When I heard a hissing doing I looked up and saw three more black eyed demons blocking my way out of the alley.

"Oh come on." I muttered.

As the demons started to slowly inch forward I twirled my seraph blade in my hand, ready to stab them as soon as they got close enough.

Apparently one had enough waiting and lunged at me.

I quickly rolled out of its way before stabbing it in the back as the second and third demon charged me at the same time.

The one who was closest tackled me tot he ground causing my blade to fall out of my hand and slid a few feet away.

I huffed in frustration as I sent a punch into the demons jaw causing it to fall off me.

I quickly scrambled to my feet before kicking the other one in the stomach to delay it a bit as I grabbed my blade off the ground.

I sliced the first demon in the face resulting in it disappearing into ash before I turned kill the last one.

As I brought my blade up to stab it the demon lunged forward and bared it's teeth.

I attempted to move out of the way as it's teeth neared my neck by that only resulted in it's teeth digging into my shoulder instead.

I let out a strangled scream from the venom that was now burning as it ran through my veins before I raided my hand and stabbed the demon through the heart.

It coughed before disappearing in the air leaving a cloud of ash.

I groaned as I backed into the wall and slid down to the ground.

I peeled back the upper part of my shirt to reveal an large bleeding bite on my shoulder blade.

I out a cough from the burning sensation as I reached into my back pocket in search for my stele.

However, when I pulled it out it was in two pieces.

It must have broke in half when the demon tackled me to the ground.

As if one cue I heard shuffled footsteps before Alec, Jace, Izzy, and Clary appeared around the corner.

"You guys couldn't have gotten here fugue minutes ago?" I questioned.

"What happened to your stele?" Clary asked as the four of them rushed over when she noticed my I healed wound.

"Broken." Was all I said.

Clary pulled out her stele before tracing my Iratze and helping me to my feet.

"Did you take care of the other two demons?" I questioned as I tucked my blade back into my belt.

"Took care if em our front." Jace answered.

"We should get back." Izzy stated. "We have to be at dinner soon with our parents for a reunion."

"What?!" I exclaimed. "You never old me that."

"Oh." She replied. "By the way we're having a reunion dinner with our parents. It's at Magnus' loft."

"Who's Magnus?" I asked as we started walking back to the institute.

"Magnus Bane, Warlock." She said.

"Good to know." I muttered.

"Oh and Logan will be there." Izzy added.

"Now who the hell is Logan?!" I exclaimed again.

"Magnus' new boyfriend." Jace answered.

"Did I forget to tell you about the too?" Izzy questioned.

"Uh.......yeah!" I replied.

"Oh well now you know." She shrugged.

"Is there anything else I should now?" I asked.

Izzy thought for a moment before saying, "No I think that's it."

I nodded in response.

"Oh wait!" She practically yelled.

"Jesus woman." I said as I covered my ears.

"Sorry." She apologized. "You're also gonna meet Maia there."

"Anything else?" I asked

"No." Izzy said.



"Good." I replied. "I don't need to lose my hearing today."

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