15 // Who Did You Kill?

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"Why are his eyes blue?" Is the first thing I asked as me and Derek pinned a roaring Stiles to the wall when he wouldn't listen to our commands. "And why isn't he listen to us."

"The only way a wolves eyes can be blue is if they took a innocent life." Derek grunted as we struggled to keep Stiles pinned to the wall as he snapped his jaws at us. "And the reason why he isn't listening is because the full moon is still active and he doesn't have control."

"Here." Deaton came running over with a pair of five foot chains and we out of cuffs of the chains around Stiles' wrist before attacking the other ends to the wall before me and Derek stepped back.

I was worried Stiles was gonna snap the chains but once they held him for a couple seconds I relaxed.

"Well at least his body didn't reject the bite." Deaton started. "I guess we'll just have to wait until the full moon is over with in the morning."

"What if we try a mantra?" Lydia questioned. "That always seemed to work with helping Liam control."

"Stiles." Scott said. "Think. Alpha, Beta, Omega."

This only seemed to anger Stiles more as he let out an ear piercing roar.

"Try the other one, the one you used with me." Liam suggested.

"Stiles why three things cannot ling be hidden?" Scott tried. "Come on Stiles day it."

Instead of answering Stiles just let out another roar.

"Does anyone else know any other mantras?" The True Alpha asked as he looked around at everyone who shook their heads.

Then why sounded like one of the chains snapping could be heard by everyone.

"The chains are breaking." Izzy informed.

"I think I know one more mantra." Deaton said as he walked over to Stiles who was still growling too much for my liking as he placed a hand on my boyfriends shoulder.

"Stiles say this with me." Deaton started. "The sky above me, the earth below me, the fire within me."

Stiles' growls seemed to die down but his fangs and glowing blue eyes didn't go away as he said in a low voice, "The sky above me, the earth below me, the fire within me."

"There you go say it again." Deaton replied.

"The sky above me, the earth below me, the fire within me." Stiles said as his claws and fangs retracted and eyes returned to their normal whiskey brown.

Everyone including me instantly looked relieved as Stiles returned to his normal self.

Deaton went to unhook the chains but with one yank Stiles broke the chains from the wall, taking a piece of the wall with him.

"Sorry." Stiles said before in hooking the cuffs from his hands and dropping the chains to the floor. "Not used to having ten times the strength, plus my strength rune."

"That's exactly why I need you to stay calm until the full moon is over because with your strength tune activated you're stronger than anyone in this room, even Scott." Deaton explained.

"Stiles." I was probably going to regret this. "Your eyes are blue, not yellow, who did you kill?"

Stiles looked at Scott before a low growl erupted from his throat but he stayed calm enough to the point where he didn't shift.

"It's not important." He said.

I went to question him again but Deaton gave me the 'shut up' look so I didn't continue talking.

"Stiles I think you should tell them."
Scott said as he took a step closer to his best friend.

"I don't wanna." Stiles mumbled.

"Stiles please tell me." I began. "Who'd you kill?"

He mumbled something but couldn't tell what it was.

"What?" I asked.

He huffed before yelling, "Donovan!" As his eyes glowed blue and his fangs elongated.

He huffed before yelling, "Donovan!" As his eyes glowed blue and his fangs elongated

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"Stiles calm down." Scott ordered.

Stiles shook his head and opened his eyes and they were once gone again as his fangs disappeared.

"I killed Donovan." Stiles said.

"Who's Donovan?" Jace questioned.

"Who he was is not important." He started. "But I didn't kill him on purpose, he was going to kill me and my dad, it was self defense."

"We know Stiles." Scott said as he placed a hand on his best friends shoulder.

There was a moment of silence before Izzy said, "We'll it's getting close to 1 AM, we can either head back to New York now or wait till the morning."

"I'm too tired." Stiles yawned. "We shoddily go in the morning. And we can stay at my house. Two of you can use the spare bedroom and then the other two can sleep in the living room."

Me, Stiles, Clary, Izzy, Jace, and Simon all went back to Stiles house while everyone else returned to theirs.

Once at his house Clary and Izzy shares the queen bed in the guest room, Jace and Simon took the two couches in the living room, and me and Stiles headed up to his room.

Once there Stiles groaned before collapsing on his bed.

I chuckled as I shut the door and removed my jacket before throwing it on his desk chair.

"You okay?" I asked as I laid neck to them.

Stiles rolled over onto his so he was facing me before saying, "I don't know if I'm okay but I'm not bad. I'm in between."

Instead of replying to that answer I wrapped my arms around his waist as I pulled him into my chest before kissing his forehead.

"Get some sleep." I whispered. "I love you."

"I love you too." He whispered back.

Next part is a jimon chapter!

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