09 // Out Of Everything I Expected Today, Ending Up In Jail Wasn't One Of Them

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I sighed as I slumped against the wall behind the bench me and Alec were sitting on in our cell as I ran a hand through my dank hair.

"Did you know we were tress-passing?" Alec asked me.

"If I did do you think I would have taken us there?" I questioned. "And besides it's not like there was a sign anywhere."

As the police officer that caught us walked past me cell I said, "Hey! Don't I get a phone call? Isn't that how these things work?"

"Fine, one second." He replied.

He left and then seconds later he returned with my phone which he had confiscated.

He handed it to me through the bars before I unlocked it and dialed the first number that came to mind.

"Hello?" A voice said Tom the other end of the phone.

"Heyyyyyyyy Izzy." I said to my parabatai.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"What? Why do you assume I did something?" I replied.

"Because that's the voice you use when you did something and you need help getting out of it." She responded. "What did you do?"

"Me and Alec got arrested for tress-passing and I need you to get Luke to get us out." I explained.

"You got arrested for tress-passing?!" She exclaimed.

"There wasn't a sign!" I whisper shouted. "Ya know, out of everything I expected today, ending up in jail wasn't one of them."

"I'll call Luke." She said before hanging up.

The officer returned seconds later and I handed him my phone back through the bars before he walked away.

I walked back over to the bench and sat back down, scooting closer to Alec before leaning my head on his shoulder.

"What'd Izzy day?" Alec broke the silence.

"She's gonna contact Luke and see if he can get us out." I explained. 

"How is it that you're the one always getting people in trouble and you're seventeen?" He said.

"Age is just a number." I sighed.

It had to have been a good half and hour later before Luke appeared in front of our cell door with a key.

"I don't even want to know what you guys did." He said as we stood up before he h locked the cell door and pulled it open. "Just don't do it again, because next time I might not be able to get you out."

"Thanks Luke." I said as me and Alec stepped out of the cell.

"By the way, Maryse found out about this whole thing and is waiting for you back at the institute." He explained.

"Great." Alec said. "Not only did I get arrested but now I get a stern taking to from my mother."


As soon as we walked through the institute doors Maryse came speed walking over to us as the other stood in the distance behind her.

"Arrested for trespassing." She said as she stopped in front of he a placed her hand son her hips. "We have enough to worry about here and then I have to hear from Izzy that you two got arrested."

"Mom it's fine Luke talk and got us out." Alec spoke while unusually kept quiet.

"What were you two even doing?" Maryse questioned.

Me and Alec took a glance at each other before looking back at Maryse.

Over her shoulder I saw Izzy raise an eyebrows as she smirked.

I stuck my tongue out at her like a child before straightening my posture and looking back at Maryse.

"So?" She asked. "I haven't got all day."

"We.....Uh......." Alec trailed off as he attempted to come up with an excuse.

"We got caught for trespassing, but we didn't know we were trespassing." I explained.

"Where were you?" She asked.

"A waterfall." I answered.

"What were you guys doing a waterfall?" She continued to interrogate us.

"Is it really important what we were doing?" I responded.

"I suppose not." She began. "But don't let something like this happen again."

And without another word she walked out and a let out a deep breath.

I looked back in front of me to see Izzy walking forwards.

She approached me whispered in my ear, "Use protection."

"Izzy?!" I exclaimed as I my parabatai walked away.

"What'd she say?" Alec asked.

"Uh.....nothinggottagobye." I said quickly before running off towards my room.

7 Years // Stalec (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now