Chapter Seventeen

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"Thanks, Bobby. I would love to have that for tonight" Brook said.

Dean slung his arm around her shoulders and smiled. "I haven't had deer meat in so long!"

She smirked and whispered, "Well you would probably finish it before Sam and I got around to eating it".

"What did you say?" Dean asked incredulously. He pretended like he was offended.

Again, she smiled and shook her way out of his grip. She plowed her way over to the couch where she plopped over.

She sighed and ran her fingers over her eyelids. Tom. Tom. Tom.

That name could not get out of her head. Ugh! Why can't I get him out of my head!" she rolled over.

Then she thought about her waking up next to him. The raw scent of him. The gentleness of his lips...

"Ugh!" she accidentally blurted out. Her cheeks flushed pink. She glanced at the boys.

They both stopped what they were doing to look at her.

"Forget it" she tried to brush it off, still red as a tomato.

They went back to whatever they were doing after a moment of confusion.

As she laid on the couch, her mind was racing. Tom really sold his soul to get her back. People lose feeling when they sell their soul, yet he was pretty emotional when she tried to break things off. Maybe there was still some part of his soul there. Then her mind stopped after a thought came that felt as if a truck slammed into her.

Maybe that demon, Harrison Osterfield, knows something.

She smirked. That was it. That is who she needs to find. He mentioned something before they parted ways.

"We'll cross that bridge when we come to it", she remembered.

"Huh?" Dean inquired after she mumbled that last part.

She came back to reality from her thoughts. "Oh, ummm, where's the beer?"

His brows furrowed. "In... the fridge... where it always is?"

"Oh, thanks!" Brooklyn jumped up and skipped over to the fridge.


Brooklyn had left Bobby's to go for a drive, after having a delightful deer casserole Bobby cooked up. She had told the boys that she needed to clear her mind. After a bit of hesitation, Sam reluctantly allowed her. She rented a jeep from the local car store, and had been on a dirt road for the past 30 minutes.

We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

The phrase was repeating itself over and over in her head.

That bridge.

"That's it" she whispered to herself. She needed to go back to the portal. The portal where she came out of purgatory. When she and Sam stepped out of the portal, there was a bridge.

She pressed the brakes and pulled over. She took out her phone and connected it to the speakers. She pulled up her Led Zeppelin playlist and hit the play button. This drive would be fairly long. At least she knew where she was headed.


"Come in" Dean replied after Sam knocked on his door.

The door cracked open and Sam shuffled in. "What's up?" Dean noticed Sam looking down in a blank stare.

Sam walked over to Dean's bed that his brother was currently lounging back on. He sat at the foot of the bed and turned his large frame towards Dean. He waited a couple of seconds before speaking, trying to figure how he was going to word it. Dean waited patiently, just like he always did when Sam was like this.

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