Chapter Nineteen

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"Hey! You're back!" Bobby exclaimed, getting up from the couch. The siblings (plus Harrison) came walking in the door. Dean dropped the giant bag slung over his shoulder on the ground by the door. Sam walked over and hugged the waiting uncle. "So? What happened?", Bobby asked, eager for an answer.

"We did it", Sam assured him. "They're all locked back in their cages thanks to Brook".

Brooklyn had finished kicking off her converse by the front door, when Bear came running through the room to attack her with kisses. His little tail wagged as fast as it could go. She gave him a big hug and kissed him on the nose. When she kissed him, his giant tongue licked her on the chin. She laughed and wiped it off. "Good to see you too, baby".

"What do you mean, 'thanks to Brook'?", Bobby asked.

"She found her angel/demon powers", Dean answered. "You know, glowy eyes and stuff". He had already pulled out five beers from the fridge, uncapping them. He handed them out.

Bobby, then realized the unfamiliar face in the room. "Who is this?" he asked.

"Oh! This is Harrison. He helped us." Brooklyn introduced.

He grew suspicious and whispered, "demon?"

"Not anymore", Harrison replied, holding his hand out for Bobby to shake. "Pleasure to meet you".

Bobby shook it. He looked to Brooklyn. "What is it with you making friends with British boys?"

The brothers laughed from their spots on the sofa. Bear got up and laid between them.

A moment of satisfied silence happened. Brooklyn broke the pause, "Well, I'm going to go shower and head to bed. There's plenty of room on my bed if you want to share. If not, I can pull out the extra bed". Dean leaned forward suspiciously.

Harrison considered his choices. "I'll probably just sleep on the couch, if that's alright?" Brooklyn paused but then understood. It was a one time ordeal. They had fun but that was the demon side of her. Deep down she loved Tom, and tomorrow she was going to find him.

"Of course" Brooklyn said politely. "The guest shower is down the hall on the left" she said.

"Thank you", Harrison said.

Brooklyn snapped her fingers for Bear to follow. He obeyed and trotted out of the room after her. Harrison had bought extra clothes on their way back to Bobby's house, so he grabbed them and headed down the hall.

That left Bobby, Sam, and Dean.

Bobby looked to the boys, "Wha' about you two?"

"Oh, we'll wait til they're done", Sam said after taking a swig of his drink.

"I'm starving" Dean said.

Sam chuckled. Then Dean asked Bobby, "Do you still have some of that key lime pie in the fridge?"

"All yours", Bobby said.

"Great!" Dean exclaimed. He got up smiling. He walked to the fridge and opened it. He bent over whistling as he searched for it.

"Alright", Bobby said, relieved that they were back safely. "Thanks for savin' the world again. I already took my shower before y'all got here, so I'm jus gonna head ta bed". He finished the last of his beer and tossed it in the trash. "Goodnight!"

"Goodnight", the boys said simultaneously.

Dean sat back down on the couch with his pie in hand. He dug into that pie like a dog with a chicken bone.

They sat in silence for a few minutes. The TV was on. Then Sam said, "So, what do you think about all that angel/demon stuff Brooklyn did?"

Dean swallowed his pie, "I don't know, Sammy. I just hope she doesn't go all demon on me if she ever gets mad"

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