Chapter 3 "Carson High"

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My eyes flashed opened and I sat up fast. I looked around the room and it wasn't familiar. There were stains on the white walls with black curtains over caged windows. The floors were wood and there were 6 stalls with curtains you could pull over the entrance. I was laying in a rusty medal bed with a mattress, blanket, and pillow. There were  8 beds in row and I was at the end of the row. There was a door that had bars and broken locks on it. The room was lit by a two lamps that barley gave any light. There were 3 wardorbes in between each two stalls. Where the hell a I..... am I dreaming?

I swung my feet off the bed and my right leg flew down hard, there was medal bracelet attached with a green light? I felt scared, what is his place?

I ran over to the door and it opened. There were dirty hallways with lockers covering the walls. I walked down the halls and saw each room had labels on then, math, science, reading, and etc.. It...It was like a school? I heard talking in the math room... what do I do?

 I opened the door to find kids my age surrounding the room in desks! There was chalkboard with numbers on it? I looked around and the kids stared at me. I couldn't take it anymore!

Me: W-whats goind on? Where am I?

They just stared with horror on there face almost like they were sad. I heard a girl talk in back "you're in school". She seemed to shut up after that, she had regret in her eyes.

The door slammed behind me. I was shocked to see who was standing in the door way, Carson!

Carson: Nice to see you managed you're way around Lea.

Me: W-what the hell is this!?

Carson: Calm down Lea, you're in high school.

Me: What the? Is this a joke?

Carson: No, you're in what we call Carson High.

Confusion is all I felt.

Me: W-why am I her-

I stopped because I knew why I was here.

Me: You hit with a bat, in the girls bathroom at the diner! You brought me here!

All those kids were staring with horror on there face but in a way they seemed use to it.

Carson: You'll like here better.

Oh my god! I looked at one of girls faces... that's one of the kids that went missing!

Me: You're the one who abducted those kids! You're a sick mother fuc-

A shock went threw out my body my whole leg lost its balance and I fell. I couldn't focus then the shock stopped. My body was warm and my leg felt numb.

Carson: We don't use that kind of language in Carson High Lea. So let me explain the rules. I'm Carson, the cool kid of the school and you all are the other kids. You do what I say and I won't have to push the button to turn on you're shock bracelet. In the morning you're required to attend classes, you all have the same ones and same time. A alarm will wake you up and you have 30 minutes to get dressed and be at class. You will live in the girls dorm and you're fellow room mates will help u get ready and show you around. You are not aloud in the boys dorm what so ever! Also camera's are put around the school even in you're dorm so that's what the changing rooms are for.

I sat there staring at him.

Carson: So if you follow those rules then we won't have a problem. Oh and trying to escape leaves me with no choice but to put you in solitary confinement for 3 months.

My leg didn't feel numb but I was scared to get up. He was about to walk out of the room when he stopped and started to talk again.

Carson: Oh and Lea, you're my new girlfriend.

My eyes widened as he left the room. New girlfriend!? What was wrong with that man! I would never be his girlfriend if my life depended on it! He was like 40, I'm 16!

A voice came from behind me "need a hand". A boy with black hair held out his hand need a help? I graved his hand and he pulled me up. I stared at him and he stared back "ummm my name James by the way". I nodded.

James: That's Brandon (he pointed to a boyin the corner with black short hair). This is Even (he pointed to a kid that was writing in his notebook). That's Micheal ( he pointed to a kid with long brown hair that smiled at me).  That's Lizzy (he pointed to a  girl that looked angry). That's Tasha (he pointed to a girl that gave me a comforting smile). That's brenda (he pointed to a girl in the far corner with a scared face).  And finally, that's Heather (he pointed to a happy and cheerful girl talking to Brandon).

I looked at the floor and that his face. He gave me a simpithetic smile. I couldn't smile back, I was too scared.


Apparently class was over so we went back to the dorm. I walked over to the bed that I woke up in and curled up in the corner. The other girls could tell I was scared because they tried to comfort me.

Heather: I know you're scared but I was to on the first day.

I didn't say anything.

Lizzy: We'll be you're friends so if you need anything then just ask?

I still remained silent... this was real, no dream. I was kidnapped. I was the girl friend of a 40 yeard old man. I was in a pretend school.

I turned over and soon fell asleep to the chatter of the other girls.


I hoped you liked this one! I put up a picture of the boy's because I thought many of you would want to see James. I will put the girl's pictures next chapter. Also I apologize for my way of writing conversations but yea. Fan if you liked it! :)

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