Chapter 5 "Something to Believe in"

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The bell didn't go off, but I woke up anyway. Pain scorched threw out my entire body. I got up and walked over the mirror and stared at the reflection. I felt sick, my whole body fell like it was hit with a semi. I could barley walk. I just looked at my reflection. Why did Carson pick me? Everyone in the world and he ruins my life and picks me, I would of rather had to face Sam's wrath. I went and opened one of the wardrobes and picked threw each clothing item. I found a black hoodie with some ripped purple skinny jeans and snatched them both off the rack. I threw them both on and headed over to pick out the shoes. I threw on some black converse. I took the black eyeliner off the dresser and applied it on under my eye heavy and put some purple eyeshadow above my eye. I looked around in the cabinet of the dresser and found a box full of earrings. I pulled out some colorful peace sign earrings and plopped them in my ears. I was ready... only if I knew how long I had to wait till the bell rang.

I sat there thinking for what seemed like hours till the bell rung. Every girl got up.

Brenda: Hey you're all ready?

Me: Yea. 

Brenda: Cool.

She gave me a smile and headed over with the rest of the girls to get ready.

We all walked to English together. I felt awkward because they talked about how they had huge crushes on boys that were here. I didn't have a crush, I just wanted the hell out of this place.

We walked in the classroom and all the boys were already here like usual. I took a seat in the back. I looked up at the board and it said "Write about a happy moment in you're life". What kind of school just gave out stupid assignments like this? He clearly had time to wire the school but not come up with decent lesson plans? What was going to happen to are lives if we had no real education? I mean I want to be a Art teacher but I don't think a graduation degree from this hell house will get me anywhere! I know its a weird topic to start thinking about but I really am worried this place will screw up my life. What if I become one of those people who makes lousy books about their lives then I go on talk shows and soon I'm a hobo living in a card board box. Man I have issues.

The bell rang. Oh my god! I didn't get anything done! Wait why did I care, this was a fake school. Maybe if Carson saw I was a bad student he wouldn't want me here. Maybe he would hurt me for not doing my work. Om my god no!

I got up and walked to the other class with the girls.


The day soon came to an end and I didn't do any work. Carson wasn't around which was good.

Brenda: Hey Lea?

Me: Yeah?

Brenda: Ummm... whats it like?

Me: Whats what like?

Brenda: Like outside of Carson High?

Me: Its life I guess.

Brenda: Well like is there any new celebrities?

Me: Well theirs a some boy named Justin Beiber... oh and Miley Cyrus finally ended Hannah Montana... I think she got fired because of drugs...

Brenda: Oh cool.

I never thought about it but these girls were cut off from life? They couldn't do the things they always dreamed of doing like texting, gossip about celebrities, and so on. They couldn't have  normal teenage life.

Me: I can't take this!

Brenda: Can't take what?

Me: This place? Aren't you girls sick of this? Not being able to be a teenager because of some sick bastard?

 Heather: Don't talk like that!

Tasha: Well why can't she? Carson only put cameras up, not microphones.

Me: We need to do something about this! Can we really just stand back and let this idiot ruin are perfect lives cause he went threw hell? Should we have to suffer?

Heather: No but what we can do?

Me: We can break out! We can over rule him! We ca-

Lizzy cut me off.

Lizzy: Now how the hell do you think we can over rule Carson, when he watches are every move and hurts us with a touch of a button?

Me: Well there is one thing he never thought to much about.

Brenda: That is?

Me: The power 9 pissed of teenagers!

Lizzy: We can't do this!

Me: We can!

Lizzy: Fine then but I'm out because I can't risk this.

Me: Fine then we can do with 8 right?

Brenda: I can't.

Heather: Same here I'm out.

Tasha: Sorry but I'm out to.

 They all gave up on me. They didn't care. What was I left to do, stay here forever? No I'm not giving up on this! Carson is going down!


 You guys are going to love the next chapter! :D :D :D The chapter song is Something to Believe in by Parachute, its really not a bad song. No picture for this chapter cause I really kind of forgot? :) Sorry. Fan if u like?

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