Chapter 7 "Enough is Enough"

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I took a white sheet I off my bed and put it over the body. I didn't feel right about calling her by her name. It made me feel weird inside.

We all got ready and walked to our first class, science.

I took my seat near all the girls because now I felt like we all were on the same page. The girls were talking till we heard Jame's voice weak in the back.

James: Wheres Lizzy?

We all got silent. I'm guessing Lizzy and James were going out from how much they flirted. I never really thought about it but I guess they talked a lot and she laughed at everything he said. What were we suppose to say. How do you tell someone that their girlfriend died without having to see them in so much pain. The answer is, you can't.

Brenda: I'm so sorry James.

He looked at her and he was probably thinking Carson got her but it was worse.

Tasha: She... died this morning. She got infected from getting cut by a rusty nail...

He voice trailed off.

James: You guys are joking... aren't you? Please say your joking.

He didn't believe us. He had a smile on his face at first to the thought of use joking but then it slowly died. No one spoke. We all looked down. Brenda was silently crying at the thought of her best friend dead because she didn't say anything. James slid back in his seat and he stared at the floor. His face was full of pain.

James: I-I... I don't know what to say. I was going to tell her that I loved her...

I looked at the pain his face held. He looked ready to snap and kill us all. He was mad... he had just lost the girl he loved.

Heather: I can't really say much about this but I know something that you'll want to be in on.

She leaned in and everyone leaned in except James. He was waiting for us to say we were joking.

Heather made whispered.

Heather: Were going to break out of here.

Evan: What!?!?!?

Heather: Yup, were really sick of the shit Carson puts us threw.

Micheal: How do yo-

He was cut off by a crash in the hallway. The sound was so loud it made us all jump. We all motioned to the door and opened to peek out. Carson was in the hall and a boy layed on the floor holding his stomach.

Carson: Maybe next time you'll listen better then to try to fight the ruler! This is my school!

Carson ran up and kicked the boy so hard he flipped over and groaned. He held his stomach as he coughed up blood on the floor. I felt bad.

Carson: Now Eric are we going to have a problem anymore?

The boy, I mean Eric got on his knee's. The blood stained his chin and he gave Carson a disturbing smile.

Eric: Fuck off!

Carson ran up and kicked Eric again. He tossed to the floor coughing. Carson kicked him again and again and again as Eric just continued to cough and groan at the pain but everytime Eric seemed to want to get more by yelling at Carson. Eric looked ready to die. No joke. Carson ran in for another kick but I stopped him with my voice.

Me: Enough is enough! Your going to kill him!

Carson gave me a smug smile.

Carson: Lea, you best get back with your friends. This doesn't concern you.

It did. Everything did.

Me: All you do is treat us like were stupid insects! You don't care whether we live or die?

Carson: I do care.

Me: Well then go in our room and look at the dead corpse laying in the bed and try to tell me you care!

Carson: What?

Me: Lizzy's dead! She died because of the stupid crappy conditions in this stupid hell whole!

Carson looked at me with anger. I was sure he was going to kick me next but he didn't. He looked and soon walked away and slammed a door behind him.

The minute everything was clear, we all walked over to Eric. Blood still dripped from his mouth. Heather took of her sweater and whipped it all away the best she could. He looked at his.

Eric: Thank you. I would of been dead.

Evan: Well next time try to keep your mouth shut no matter how much he pisses you off.

Eric: I guess I was just mad from waking up here. He starting going on about this being a school and that you guys were my classmates and all I could do is just sit there and take it. Well I couldn't.

Me:I know what you mean.

We all helped Eric up and took him to classes and helped him with everything he needed. Maybe he would help us try to fight our way out of here.


So I didn't put a picture up of Eric or a video because I really can't. My computer is slow and I can't open other tabs so if I tried to do everything on one tab then I would be here for hours! Also I'm sorry I haven't been uploading. I've just been trying to solve too many problems at once for my friends and family. I won't go on about my life tho so I hope you liked the chapter! Fan! :D :D :D Also sorry if this was short! I'll try to make the next one longer! There might be a little romance going on in the story so yea. I won't ruin the surprise!

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