Beaming up

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As Jade spun me around, I had lost my balance and stumbled backwards. Jade managed to keep hers, but I was falling straight backwards, only I never hit the ground.

That's, when I noticed that a pair of strong, long Arms were wrapped around me. I looked up to who had caught me and there it was again. Those deep brown eyes... Before I could lose myself into them completely, he straightened me back up "Well, that was interesting" he said, the others thought he meant Jades reaction, but I think he was getting at something else, something only we had noticed.

"Well, I think we should get to the beam up point now" Captain Kirk said.

With him walking ahead, Jade and me behind him, McCoy and Spock behind us, we walked towards a certain spot.

It seemed like it was only Jade and I that were to go to the USS Enterprise.

Kirk took out something I recognised as to be a communicator "Scotty? We are ready" he talked into it "Aye Captain" a strong Scottish accent came back. Then there was a golden glow and we were beamed up aboard the ship.

"Urgh, I still need to get used to this" Jade shivered all over "I hate the feeling", I laughed out loud "It's nothing" I said and clapped her on her back.

Then Kirk turned towards us "This is our chief Engineer Montgomery Scott" he introduced the Scotsman. I turned to Jade, and she blushed heavily "Family?" I asked towards her, but she just shook her head "Not that I know off, I do have Scottish in me though". She stepped forward to greet the Officer "Jade Montgomery" she introduced herself "Aye, what a coincidence" he laughed "And you are?" he asked towards me "Anja Ullmann" I gave a salute "Drop the formalities, I am Scotty to you guys" he chuckled. I smiled, then turned back towards Kirk to receive more commands. "Right, we haven't had new recruits for a couple years, so it's a bit unusual for us" he explained.

"Captain if I may?" Spock stepped forward and Kirk signed to him to go on "I would find it the most logical to show them their rooms and let them get adapt to everything and change into the uniform" Spock suggested, one eyebrow lifted up, his hands neatly behind his back. I had never met a Vulcan before, but my main exam presentation was about Vulcans, so I knew a fair bit about them.

Spock stepped forward, which made him stand right next to me now.

This weird feeling washed through my whole Body again. I had never ever felt anything like it and didn't know how to react or deal with it. I stepped away from Spock and walked over to Jade.

Kirk smiled at us "Of course, Spock is totally right. Your rooms will be next to each other's. Just follow me" with that he walked off.

Every now and then, crew members came and handed Kirk something to sign. We went into the turbo Lift, I, on purpose as far away from Spock as possible. I could feel his gaze on me, I looked up to see his brown eyes searching for mine.

"Your things are probably already in your rooms" Kirk then said out of nowhere and I was able to break away from Spock's eyes. Then the Lift stopped, and we walked out. Further down the corridor Kirk stopped in front of a door "This is your room Lieutenant Ullmann" he said and showed to a sign next to the door that had my name on it. I pressed the little white button and the door opened, it was quite a spacious room and as I noticed I was lucky enough to have a little window. In my excitement I ran to it and looked out.

There were billions of stars, little asteroids flying past and planets in the distance. I was in awe. Then I felt someone stepping up behind me "It's a fact that not everyone has a window in their room" I heard the monotone voice of a certain first officer. I stood up straight "I guess I am very lucky then" I said with a smile, trying not to look directly into his eyes. While the others showed Jade to her room Spock remained in mine. He walked over to the little desk in my room and looked at the Computer "You will be assigned to the Bridge to assist Lieutenant Uhura with communications, also as we haven't had new comers in a while Captain Kirk decided to hold a welcoming Ball in your Honour, this will be held in a weeks' time. To adjust yourself and rest, you will have today off, but you will be expected at 0700 hours tomorrow on the Bridge" he explained. I walked over to my desk, not noticing how close I was standing to the Vulcan. I leaned down to look at the computer "Interesting" I mumbled, noticing that I was on the Bridge every time Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock were assigned too. "What is interesting?" Spock asked, as I had forgotten that he was there too, I jumped up, banging against my desk and stumbling over and falling straight into Spock's arms.

"I am so sorry First Officer Spock!" I shrieked in panic, but he just rested his hands on my arms "It's quite alright, I did startle you" he as a matter of fact explained.

As I looked up to him (him being about 6' and me 5'2) our eyes locked again, I scanned his eyes with mine trying to see any sort of emotion, to figure out what this was. Then there was this electrical tingling again that went from his hands into my body making me feel content, relaxed and incredibly happy.

Then Spock eyes wandered to his Hands, his eyebrows were in a frown as if he tried to figure out what it was as well. He must be feeling the same as me.

The tingling got stronger, so much so that I couldn't handle it anymore and I stepped back, coughed a little "Excuse me Mr. Spock, I have a lot to do now" I said, being back to my professional self. "Of course," he said and nodded, at the door he turned around once more, looked at me for a second and left, the door shutting behind him.

Spock's POV:

He couldn't explain it, this feeling was extraordinarily interesting. It was as if his emotions seemed to get hold of him whenever this new recruit was near. He had the feeling that he had to protect her from anything that could harm her, he had the feeling of want and need. Which he had never felt before. As half Vulcan, he was trained in pushing his emotions right back, away from his mind and heart, which didn't mean he didn't have any emotions. His Mum always had told him that one day, there will be a special someone who he will have to open up to, and the second he sees her, he will know. Something like imprinting.

But these Emotions, have been meddling with his mind and concentration. How is he supposed to function when she is on the Bridge every time he was? How was he supposed to control his Emotions?

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