"She would be honoured!"

77 1 16

Anja's POV:

I let myself fall backwards onto my bed and let out a sigh.

How? Why? What?

This was so new, this feeling, the electricity that flew through her every time he touched her, the tingling in her tummy when he even just as much as looked at her. The second he had stood in front of her, she had experienced this feeling.

"Oh well" I said to myself and jumped back up, stretched and turned to look to my bed. My neatly folded uniform was lying all creased up now. "Urgh typical!" I walked over to my wardrobe (which was build into the wall) and luckily there were more uniforms and also the rest of my clothes. I took out a freshly pressed Uniform and looked at it, raising my eyebrow. "This is a bit short" I sighed, I let the clothes I wore fall onto the floor and slipped into my red uniform dress, there was a mirror inside my wardrobe, and I looked. The dress just about covered my bottom "Got to be careful when bending down" I realised, then I slipped into the knee-high leather boots "These are pretty cool". Then I attached the little belt around my waist (which just showed off my hourglass figure) I attached my new communicator to it.

It knocked on my door "Enter" I said and the door slid to the side and Jade entered "Have you noticed how short these dresses are?" her eyes big "Hard not too" I giggled "Come on lets explore this Ship a little bit!" I put my arm around her shoulder, and we walked out of my room. We walked through every single floor, stopped now and then to say hi to our new colleagues, we even made some new friends. Jade showed me the medical Bay where we met Doctor McCoy again. He gave us a wolf whistle "I swear those dresses get shorter with every new girl recruit that comes on board" he laughed and we just blushed. "Jade, I was wondering. Do you have someone to go the Ball with next week?" he asked as if it were nothing "Ehm" is all she said, I patted her on the back "She would be honoured" I grinned at him. He gave me a cheeky smile and I winked at him.

Next stop was the community room, where a few people who had lunch sat. We took a drink and sat down on one of the tables. A black woman, a Asian guy and a guy with dark blond hair that fell into his face, sat on the table as well.

"You two must be the new crew members? Captain Kirk is swooning all over you two" the girl laughed, then she hold out her hand "I am Nyota Uhura, Communications Officer on the Bridge" "I am Anja, new communications Officer on the Bridge" I laughed and Uhura stood up and walked over to me, I stood up too and suddenly she gave me a hug "I am so happy, I am not the only female on that bridge anymore" she sighed. Then she turned and introduced the Asian guy as Hikaru Sulu and the other one turned out to be Russian, Pavel Chekov. They both stood up and shook our hands "We do the main Navigation" Chekov said, then he looked me up and down "Uhura, do those Uniform dresses get shorter?" he said with a strong Russian accent. I let out a annoyed breath "You are not the first who points that out, McCoy already commented on that" Jade explained "I bet he did!" Uhura laughed out loud "We need to go back to the Bridge; do you want to come and see your new workplace?" she asked, "You don't have to ask twice!" I said excitingly. They all cleaned up the table and we followed them out of the community room, towards the lift. I noticed how Chekov tried to stay close to me, I looked at him and he looked down at me and just smiled. When we reached the lift, I let everybody enter first, but Chekov took a step back and hold his arm out, as to say Ladies first "Thank you" I said and gave him a nod.

I hold onto the handle and noticed how Chekov hold onto the same handle, so our hands touched ever so slightly. I looked to Jade, and she raised her eyebrows and I could tell how she had to suppress a laugh, same with Uhura and Sulu. Chekov, in fact, stood so close I could smell his cologne, which was very nice to be fair.

"Bridge" the voice said, and we stepped out of the Lift. Sulu and Uhura went to their places, Chekov stayed near me. Captain Kirk sat in his Captain Chair and Spock was looking into his computer but as we came in, they both looked up from what they were doing.

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