Star ship Special

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Anja POV: I tried to look as graceful, elegant and behave with as much dignity as it was possible. Chekov looked down at me and smiled, I gave him a little smile back.
We walked into the ceremony room, which was a little hall so to speak.
There was a little stage for speeches, on one side was a small bar with a red shirt man behind it. Then there were little round tables standing along one side of the room and on the third wall was a little buffet and soft classical music came from the speaker. The light was slightly dimmed. As we walked in there was a bit of an applause. I blushed, there was about 30-40 other people in this room who belonged to the superior staff. I looked at Jade and her eyes were widened.

Then Captain Kirk excused himself from Uhura and walked up on the little stage. We all stood in a row. Scotty, Jade, Bones, Uhura, Chekov, Me and Spock. Chekov had his arm on my back, and I felt how he drew circular motions with his thumb. But I also felt the tension coming off of Spock. "Excuse me Chekov I am thirsty" I whispered towards Chekov, he looked a little concerned but let me go, I could tell there was a second pair of eyes on me.

I walked over to the bar "What is the strongest you have?" I asked with an absent mind "Oh well, I can offer you the Starship special?" he offered, and I just nodded. After a few seconds he put a shot glass down with a shimmery grey substance in it "Thank you" I said and, in fact, one shot it. I felt it going down my throat and warming up my tummy, but it made me a little cough and I felt it going to my head straight away. I walked back over to Chekov "Are you okay?" he whispered in his Russian accent and I nodded. Concentrating back onto the Captain I felt something stroking, hardly noticeable along the back of my right hand. I looked down to my hand and it was gone. Maybe my imagination or maybe the drink already getting to me "Alright enough talk and sentimental nonsense, lets have one last big applause for Jade and Anja and then I guess its time to have a little bit of fun, but not too much. I expect everyone on their stations tomorrow by at least 0800 hours" Captain Kirk laughed. Jade and I blushed a lot but when the applause died down and everybody was conversing with each other, I walked over to Uhura and Jade "Anja, are you okay? You look a bit as if your mind is miles away" Jade noticed "I am fine, come on let's have a little fun" I smiled. Uhura and Jade looked at each other a little worried and I walked over to the bar one more time ordering the same drink and knocking it down my throat again.

"Woah calm down Anja" Uhura said, I turned to face her "Don't worry, I can handle a lot". Then there was a slow waltz starting to play, Kirk took Uhura's hand, McCoy Jade's and Chekov came over to me. All three led us over to the middle of the dancefloor.

Chekov put one hand on my waist and with the other hold my hand. I gently placed my other hand on his arm "You don't like me, do you?" he asked straight out "I do like you, as a friend Chekov" I admitted, he sighed "It's okay, I am happy with that" he gave me a smile "I am very relieved to hear that". Then the next song started, and Kirk went over to Jade and took over from Bones, Chekov went over to Uhura and Bones came over to me. I haven't really met him yet (except when we had met him in the very beginning) or conversed with him. So, he as well put his hand on my waist and even pushed me a bit further on to him "Haven't had the pleasure of talking to you properly yet" he noticed "Not sure if it is a pleasure Doctor, Sir" I looked up to him, he had the bluest eyes I had ever seen "Of course it is. You can call me Bones, as good as everyone calls me that here, at least the people I am the closest with" "So are we close Bones?" I asked, raising one eyebrow "Well, I hope we will be" he said and pushed me further onto him. He turned me around and I had Spock in view, who seemed to be watching us, with that emotionless look on his face. Scotty and the head Nurse Christin Chapel stood with him trying to talk. Then Miss Chapel said something to Spock, Spock declined but she was persistent and, in the end, took the Vulcans hand and dragged him onto the dancefloor. Why did my heart sting, looking at her being hold by him?

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