"It only would be logical for me to be jealous!"

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Anja POV: I had seen his whole life, I felt the pain and hardship he had been through, I understood more clearly why Vulcan's control their emotions with logic. Then I saw myself, through his eyes and he clearly had the wrong picture of me.
Well, according to my opinion that is.
What did he just say to me?
I had learned a lot about the history of Vulcans but never the language. Suddenly a sharp pain in my upper arm, I looked up and saw Bones
"Sorry" he shrugged with his shoulders
"I had to take the opportunity while you were calm and still out of it".

I felt instantly better as if my heart attack never had happened, I wanted to get up and jump off the bed "Woah, where do you think you're going now?" Bones pushed me back and crossed his arms
"I am feeling fine Bones! I want to go back, please! Uhura and Jade must be wondering where I am, pleaaasseee" I said with big eyes, I leaned up and kissed his cheek
"How can I resist? BUT you come back tomorrow down here, I need to give you another shot and then after that, I have some pills for you to take, they will help you better than the once you have now" he explained, then he helped me up
"Oh hang on a second" he said and he reached his hands around my head and loosened my hair
"That's better" he said and stroke through it, from my hair along my jawline and pressed a gentle kiss on my lips
"I will be back shortly as well".
This did not feel right, he wasn't supposed to kiss me, but it felt warm and safe, a soft ting of love coming off him. I couldn't stop him, I didn't have the heart to stop him.

I nodded and followed Spock along the hallway, we reached the Observation Deck again and he stopped me one more time
"I can tell the Doctor likes you" he looked out of one of the windows
"And I can tell the Nurse likes you" raising my eyebrows I looked up to him and he turned to face me
"It appears it would not be based on reciprocity" he said in his matter-of-factly voice
"Same for me and the Doc" I looked down
"No? But why did you let him kiss you?"
"Spock, I don't have to justify my actions to you" I crossed my arms in front of my chest, he raised his eyebrow
"I have never understood the female capacity to avoid a direct answer to any question"
"Well, it wasn't me who suddenly spoke in a different language, for all I know you insulted me and called me names" I turned towards the window
"You really think I would do such a thing?" I heard him step closer
"You really want to know what I said to you?" nodding I looked up to him, I was still in my heels and my dress and suddenly felt very vulnerable. He stepped even closer and embraced me, his long arms wrapping around me like a blanket
"Nenlohk dwon zeesh. I love you" he whispered into my ear, I leaned back a little to look at him
"How is that even possible?"
"I do not know. What I do know is that I can't control my emotions as well, every time you are around or if someone else holds you or even kisses you" he seemed slightly pained
"Does it hurt you?"
"Not in the sense of physical pain but it is confusing, suddenly all these emotions are flooding in. One second I want to hold and kiss you but then my Vulcan side comes through and wants to fight against those feelings". He played around with my hand, entwining his fingers with mine
"Spock" I said, and he looked at me
"Take all the time you need, I am here, and I am not going anywhere. Maybe, as you suggested earlier, we should spend some time together, get to know each other more and I can show you the story behind my scar."
"That would be very pleasurable" he leaned down once again and pressed the tiniest, softest kiss on my Lips
"But please don't go with anyone else"
"Spock, you might not be ready, but I, being human, know where my heart belongs too".
With that, I gave him a teasing look and walking away from him
"Maybe, it would even do you some good if I would go out with Bones sometime, just to make you jealous" even if I didn't see it, I knew he was raising his eyebrows, straightening himself up and putting his hands behind his back
"It only would be logical for me to be jealous" he said, which made me stop in my tracks and he walked passed me.
"Spock!" I shouted and tried to run after him in my heels. But his strides with his long legs were to big to catch up with. As I reached the hall a few minutes after him, I had to take little breaks, Jade and Uhura came running to me
"Where have YOU been!" both of them asked and pulled me over to Scotty and Kirk, Scotty reaching me a drink
"Thank you" I smiled at him
"Ya welcome Lass! But I get a dance for that" he winked at me, which made me laugh. Spock who joined us with the Nurse on his heels, took the drink out of my hand and replaced it with his water
"You better have non-alcoholic beverages Lieutenant" he advised, Kirk and Scotty looking at him as if they never had seen him before
"She has to get up early tomorrow, I had to adjust her shift after a long conversation with the Doctor" he explained. The Nurse, who by this point had a lot to drink, hang herself onto his arm. Spock saw my face as I tried not to look at her
"Please excuse me Miss Chapel" he said politely pulling her grip off of him and gently handing her over to Scotty, her being so drunk didn't even take notice
"Mister Montgomery, could you accompany Miss Chapel to her quarters? I doubt she will be able to go there by herself", Scotty looked at me
"Ay Lass, our little dance has to wait till I come back" with that he led Miss Chapel to her quarters. Spock moved over to stand next to me, I saw Jade and Uhura's eyes wandering from Spock, to me and back.

Even Kirk gave Spock a suspicious look. Bones who came about 15 min after I had been back stood on my other side, it was well awkward.
We stood there like that for another hour, Spock making sure I didn't have any drinks anymore. I did notice the little eye exchange that happened between Kirk and Jade, which made Jade blush every time he gave her a little smile.

Uhura was the first to leave, Chekov accompanying her to her quarters. Bones started yawning as well
"I am off too" he exclaimed, he leaned down and gave me a kiss on my cheek
"Good Night sweetheart, and don't forget to get your medicine tomorrow morning" he said and left. Jade tilted her head
"Your heart?" she asked me, and I nodded which worried her straight away
"Its okay, Bones sorted something out for me" I calmed her down, then Kirk stepped closer towards Jade
"You look tired. You mind if I walk you to your quarters?" Kirk looked at her with his Hazel eyes and a soft smile. I looked up to Spock, who looked down to me and raised his eyebrows which made me giggle, what in return made him even more confused.
"Well, I see you in the morning" Jade said, gave me a quick hug and left with Kirk walking behind her.

"It's just us left now" I noticed, Spock looked around "Actually, there is a few more around, but ehm, they seem quite occupied" he observed. I let out a sigh
"I mean, we are the only once left from our little group"
"Ah, I see, yes" he looked a little awkward
"I would like to suggest that you should go and rest as well" he added,
"Yes, Mister Spock, you're quite right" I lifted my hand up to my mouth to cover up my yawn
"Let me see you to your quarters, just to make sure you get there safely" he requested
"Sure, Mister Spock" he raised his eyebrow at me again
"I thought I had told you, to call me Spock?"
"Oh, yeah, well it seems weird to just talk normal to my superior Officer, forgive me please. Let's go then?" I asked and he nodded. He walked next to me the whole way to my room, no one spoke, but it wasn't an awkward silence. More of an appreciating the company of one another silence.

I was a bit sad when we reached the door to my quarters.
"Thank you, Spock. You really didn't have to bring me all the way, considering your quarters are on another floor"
"It was my pleasure Anja, well, I wish you a good night and I see you tomorrow at 1200 Hours on the Bridge"
"Good Night Spock." I turned and pressed the button for my door to open and was about to go in, but Spock reached out and took my hand, he took a moment to lock eyes with me once more, his other hand on my neck lifting up my chin with his thumb.

(fun fact: the music I listen to is on shuffle and E.T. by Katy Perry just came on lol)

He let go of my hand and gently brushed away some stray strands of hair from my face, then he leaned in and gave me the softest kiss anyone could ever give, our Lips hardly touched but the feeling was better than anything I had ever experienced. His hand slowly traced down my arm, back towards my hand and he gave me a surprised look when he felt that my hand was already in the position for a Vulcan kiss and he entwined his index and middle finger with mine
"Good Night Anja" he whispered.
Then he straightened up, pressed the button to my door for me, gave me the tiniest smile possible and walked away.

I went into my room, threw off my shoes, slipped out of my dress
"Computer, set alarm for 7000 hours"
"Alarm is set for 7000 Hours" the computer repeated. Then I fell onto my bed and had one of the best sleeps I have had in years.

SpockPOV: It was weird leaving her, as if he left a part of himself behind. But he was very curious to find out more about her, her past and his new won feelings/emotions. He wondered, where all this would lead him and how it would end. But it mustn't distract him from his Job, he can't allow it. There still was one more problem, he was betrothed, and his honour did not allow him to do anything else but marry T'Pring, but maybe, if he could convince the counsel and her... somehow. He needed to figure this out, soon. Pon Farr was in a few weeks' time, he had to try find a solution until then.

Maybe, he should consult Kirk. Maybe, he needed to open up a bit more, and most importantly, figure out a way to tell Anja.

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