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Nini's POV

"Olivia!" I called upstairs to my teenage daughter. I heard some moving about and then her coming downstairs. I say it every morning but I also mean it every morning, she is beautiful.

"Yeah, mom?" She asks, smiling.

"If Joshua is coming over later, after school, then you are going to have to pack all of your stuff up for your dads house now" I told her.

"Mom, I was meaning to ask you about this" she walked towards me nervously. Oh no. This can never end well.

"What?" I asked her, worried of what she was going to talk to me about.

"Why did you ask dad for a divorce that morning?" She started "I mean, I remember it so well. You just went in and, no offense, but you kinda went crazy... And then you looked at-"

"Stop" I interrupted her "Get ready"


"OLIVIA! GET READY NOW!" I screamed at her. She looked at little taken back and stormed up into her room.

The truth is that I HATE talking about my ex husband. Who doesn't? What he did was unforgivable. I'm not ready to talk about it just yet and I don't know if I ever will be without bursting into tears. He said that he didn't know what he did wrong but he did, right?

"I'm ready" my daughter huffed downstairs.

"In the car" I opened the door. She got in the car and I followed behind her.

"So..." I tried to start a conversation.

"Why did you ask dad for a divorce? That's literally all I want to know" she told me.

"You don't need to know" I informed her.

"Mom! I'm 15 years old. I deserve to know" she faught.

"Olivia, I will tell you when you are ready" I said.

"I am ready"

"No you're not"

"Mom, I am ready. It's you who isn't and I don't know what happen that morning, nine years ago but it shouldn't still be haunting you and if it is really that bad that you had to wake up THE NEXT DAY and be single by THAT NIGHT then I think that I should know because you two are MY parents and why you're not together, news flash, it's my business and I tell YOU when I am ready" she lashed out at me.

"Honey, I didn't know we made you feel that way" I apologized.

"Well, you do now" she stormed out of the car.

Should I tell her? Should I tell Ricky? I don't have a clue what to do? The only people who I told, and they SWORE not to tell ANYONE else, was Kourtney, Ashlyn and Gina.

Gina and EJ got married just over 9-10 years ago. They have been trying for a kid for a while but no luck yet. They had a few miscarriages a couple of years ago.

Ashlyn and Big Red got married 2-3 years ago. That was awkward when Ricky came as well. He is still friends with EJ and Big Red so he promised that he wouldn't ask for the reason why we divorced at weddings or if the gang met up. He didn't keep that promise very well. He would ask at least once every time. They had a baby just before they got married. Matt Redonovitch is 3 years old. There was some drama about the naming for the baby. Big Red said something about a 'traditional name' but Ash didn't want to call her baby a colour so that almost caused another break up. Here's a picture of Matt.

 Here's a picture of Matt

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