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Nini's POV

Ugh! I can't sleep. I think it's cause I can't stop thinking about Ricky and how I actually kissed my ex husband. That's sad. I still love him but it's not worth it. Being with him was almost like being with a gay guy for your whole life and once he comes out then you feel broken and embarrassed. Maybe that's it! Maybe he's gay! No... He would've come out... I know that for a fact. Anyway, I should probably get to sleep. But I really embarrassed myself today. Infront of my daughter and her friend and-



Ugh. Who's that? It's literally five in the morning.

"What?" I answered the phone.

"Oh. Sorry. Did I wake you? I expected you to be awake" Ricky apologized.

"No. I was awake. Just didn't expect anyone to be ringing me" I sat up "What's up?"

"So, why are you up?" He asked.

"I don't know. Just thinking. Couldn't get to sleep again after waking up" I answered.

"Thinking about what?" I was silent when he said that "That's what I thought"

"What did you think?" I lay back down.

"That you'd be thinking about what happened today"

"What happened today?" I acted dumb.

"Nini, you can't just pretend that you didn't just walk up to me and that we didn't sit and make out for a while. Who knows what would've happened if Josh and Liv never came in the door!" He shouted while still whispering so that he didn't wake Olivia.

"Don't go there" I said, firmly.

"Nini, I know you still love me. I still love you. What did I do wrong? Please? We can fix this! We don't have to ruin Olivia's life! We all want to know! I get that whatever I did was clearly really bad but I deserve to know! I'm part of this too!"

"I don't still love you" I lied "I never have and never will"

"Never have? What do you-" I hung up before he could finish that sentence. Payback for what he did to me! Boom!

Olivia's POV

"If Josh and Liv had never came in the door" I woke up to my dad whisper-shouting into his phone. He cannot whisper to save his life "Nini, I know you still love me. I still love you" I got up listened to their conversation with an ear on Dad's door.

"Never have? What do you mean? Nini, did you never love me?" I heard the hurt in my father's voice "She hung up" he muttered.

I looked through the crack in the door and saw him get up from his desk and lie down on his bed in defeat. He pushed his head into the bed. I felt really bad for him so walked in and lay beside him. We hugged and then we cried ourselves to sleep beside eachother. Me, I was crying because he was crying for some unknown reason right now. I can ask him tomorrow. I've waited longer for answers before. I know how to wait a few hours.


"Morning, dad" I greeted my father as he opened his eyes.

"Olivia? Did you fall asleep in here?" He asked, confused.

"Yeah. Mom was on the phone and you started crying when she hung up so I came in to check on you and we both fell asleep" I told him.

"Oh... Yeah..." I could see the expression on his face go sad.

"What happened? Do you want to talk about it?" I worried.

"Maybe later. Not right now" he smiled.

"I'll make breakfast" I got up and went downstairs and made some pancakes. By the time I came back up, dad was asleep again.

"Dad" I woke him up "Here's some pancakes"

"Oh, yeah... Thanks" he sat up and took the plate off me. We sat there in silence.

"Well... What happened?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment.

"She never loved me" he whispered "She never fell in love with me. She never fell out. She was never in love" he got angry "She lied to me for years. She made up all that crap for her to just tell me now that she has never loved me and never will. She made me go through hell thinking that I'd lost her, and possibly even you, when she was pregnant with you. She made me think that she actually liked EJ and had moved on from loving me but she never loved me. I thought that I was to blame for the drama in school but it was her. All her. She never loved me. If she would've just never told me that she loved me. Never wrote I think I kinda you know. Never agreed to date me again. Never said yes to the engagement. Then life would be easier but no. She-" he stood up in anger "She lied to me" he punched the wall "Not once" he punched it again "Not twice" again "But every" punch "single" punch "day" punch "of our" punch "life" he punched the wall really hard "While I loved her" he hit it once more, lightly in defeat "I loved her and she killed me. She lied to me. She told everyone that she loved me. She told everyone that she cared about me. She told everyone that I was her one and only. I was her soulmate. We would go spinning around the sun with you again and again and again and again but no. She never wanted that" he got back up to punch the wall again "She led me on just" punch "So" punch "That" punch "she" they were getting harder "could" punch "turn" punch "around" even harder "and" super hard "Break" punch "my" hard punch "HEART" he punched a whole in the wall.

"I- Dad? Are you ok?" I asked, worriedly.

"Yeah... I'll get that fixed" he pointed to the wall.

"Dad, Mom did love you" I told him "Mom was so in love with you"

"No she wasn't" he sat back down, head low.

"Yes she-"

"NO SHE WASN'T" he screamed, shocking me.

"I'll leave you alone then" I got up and closed the door. I knew that he was just angry. I wasn't frustrated with him. I just needed to get changed for school. It's gonna be my first day back in so long!

Joshua's POV

"Hey, Livvy!" I smiled at my friend.

"Hi Josh!" She walked over to me "Ready for school?"

"I should be asking you that! You haven't been here in three months!" I laughed.

"I- Fair enough"

"So... Are you ready?" I asked.

She took a deep breath "Yeah. I'm excited to see everyone again and continue the investigation"

"I FORGOT ABOUT THAT!" I whisper-shouted while pointing at her.

"Yep" she laughed "My mom first today to ask her about the kiss?"

"Good idea" we walked to the auditorium where Nini was directing the musical.

"Olivia? Josh? Heyyyy" Nini laughed nervously.

"Dad punched a hole in the wall this morning" Liv told her mom.

"What?" My teacher looked at her in shock.

"Yeah because apparently you told him that you never loved him and he got a bit angry because love is based upon trust and you broke that trust. You and I both know that you lied on the phone. You and I both know that you still love him. You and I both know that you should still be married and still live happily but no. You changed that for some unknown reason" she ranted.

"Livvy, do you want to know the reason?" Nini asked her daughter.

"YES mom! I would love to know the reason!" She shouted.

"Well, it's a long story" Ms Salazar-Roberts started "But, ok. This is what happened-"

Next chapter you'll find out!!! Or will you???

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