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Joshua's POV

So Olivia doesn't like me back. I was going to kiss her when we were looking at her memory book but when I started leaning in she changed the subject. Was I actually expecting her to like me as more than friends though?

"Josh? Do you want to stay for dinner?" Ricky offered me.

"No thanks, I should probably go home" I said to them.

"Ok, see you tomorrow" Liv gave me a hug "Love you"

"Love you too" I waved and left.

"As more than friends" I whispered outside.

Olivia's POV

"As more than friends" I whispered to myself.

"What was that?" Dad asked.

"Nothing" I replied a bit too quickly.

"Okayyyy" he dragged, not believing me in the slightest.

"Dad, do you remember doing anything wrong to mom that day? Even something that wasn't all that bad?" I said.

"You woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and I didn't go see you straight away. That's not divorce worthy though. I have no clue" he responded.

"What did you do instead of going to see me straight away?" I continued.

"Your Uncle EJ called me and I picked up the phone and was chatting to him for about five minutes maybe?" He told me "Why?"

"What were you talking about on the phone?"

"Why are you asking me these?" He ignored my last question.

"I want to know why my parents aren't together anymore" I replied honestly.

"You don't need to know. I don't even know" he laughed a bit.

"I want to find out for the both of us" I smiled at him "Once I know I will tell you. I've gotten too curious so I'm gonna start an investigation to find out. Mom won't tell me, none of mom's friends who know will tell me or their partner who won't tell me because they don't know"

"Ok, EJ accused me of cheating on your mom with Gina but I didn't. I promise. I would never cheat on anyone. Even when we divorced I still think of seeing anyone else as something that I shouldn't do. That's why I have been single for the last nine years of my life. No girls except for my daughter"

I smiled at the thought that I just had.

"I might have it" I said before running upstairs to grab my phone.


Mom! I know why you asked dad for a divorce that morning

What? Why?

Because you thought that he cheated on you

But he didn't



I thought that you thought that he cheated on you but he didn't




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