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Oop... So... Um... Yeah... This happened...

Ricky's POV

*Recap from the end of last chapter*

I sat staring at my daughter, expecting some sort of movement. Or even mouthing the words to a song. But nothing.

*Back into the story*

"AHHHH!" Liv sat dead straight upright in bed. Maybe it's not the best to say dead straight because I don't want to jinx anything but yeah... You get what I mean.

"What?!" We all stared at her.

"Nurse! Nurse! Nurse come in here!" Nini shouted out the door.

The nurse came in and looked shocked to see the confused looking Olivia, awake. She told us to wait outside and we did so.

Nini's POV

I am so confused. What? How? I was sitting outside the room in tears. Half happy, knowing my daughter is still alive. But half sad and scared because how?

I look at my phone to check the time to find 27 missed calls from my moms and 49 unread messages from 2 minutes ago. They must be worried sick.

"Hey Momma D! Hey Momma C!" I rang them back.

"Nini..." They sobbed "Lola's dead"

"What? How?"

"We have no clue. Apparently she was out shopping and was 100% well and ok and just dropped dead to the floor. Then the ambulance came and she was dead" Momma C explained "What about Olivia? Is she ok?"

"Were not too sure yet..." I cried "Wait. I'll call you back later this is just... Hard to process"

"Ok, sweetie. Take your time" they hung up the phone before I remember what I said in the bathroom when I was crying there now.

"Please. Not Olivia. Anyone else. Take me. Just not Olivia. She has her whole life ahead of her and I had my chance but ruined it. Give her her's. Please. Take someone else. Don't take my darling Olivia" I cried.

"Olivia wasn't taken. Lola was" I muttered to myself.

I automatically feel so awful but then remember a conversation Lola and Olivia had a few years ago.

"Lola?" 4 year old Olivia walked up to her "Mommy said that she loves me more than anyone else does in the universe"

"Yes. That's because she does" Lola smiled at the child.

"I think she's wrong" Olivia climbed up into her arms "I think you love me more"

"And why do you think that?" She responded. I sat there looking at this picture. This is the perfect life. Me in Ricky's arms and our daughter in Lola's.

"Because you said that you'd do anything for me. Mommy doesn't say that" she told her.

"Mommy doesn't say it but she does mean it" Lola explained to my daughter "She did a lot for you when you were only two. How many fingers is that?"

Olivia held up two fingers before putting them down. "Would you do anything for me?"

"Anything" Lola smiled.

"Anything at all? Like, anything anything?" Olivia looked surprise.

"Anything" Lola nodded.

"Like, would you even die for me?"

"Woah! That's-" I tried to stop her.

"No, Nini" Lola smiled at me "It's ok." I nodded. "Yeah. I would die for you. Today. Tomorrow. When you're a teenager and even when you're older"

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