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I opened up the doors to the gym for my next class to come in early if they had a free period before. Liv and Josh were the only two standing there.

"Heya sunshine" I smiled at Liv.

"Hi Uncle EJ" she waved at me. I'm glad she's not embarrassed that 4 relatives of hers work at her school.

"Whatcha doing here so early?" I laughed.

"Mom dodged my question AGAIN and told us to come here a quarter of an hour early" she told me.

"Oh! The question?" It's an awkward question.

"Yep" Josh nodded for her.

"I know you've told me loads but do you know anything about why they divorced? Like, did mom or dad talk to you and say something about eachother that the other may have over heard and got angry?" Liv asked me.

"I'm sorry but no. I would tell you. I'm more open than your mom" I told her.

"That's ok. We should probably go get changed" they walked off "At least we tried" I heard Josh say. They then shouted thanks at me before going into the separate changing rooms.

Right, think EJ! Think! What happened before they told you that they were divorcing? Nini texted our groupchat to meet at Denny's so we did so. There, they told us that they weren't going to be a couple anymore. It must have been before that then. Before that Gina and I had just woken up and got the text straight away. No. Before that. The night before I had called Ricky but we didn't say a thing that would hurt Nini. We didn't even talk about Nini. We were mainly talking about Gina to be honest but Neens never got jealous of Gina or any of the girls. The evening before that us four went out on a double date. Joshua's parents looked after Olivia. Nini and Ricky were so in love on that date and nothing went wrong so I have no clue what happened.

"Ready?" Olivia scared me.

"Yeah, is everyone here?" I asked, shocked.

"Yeah... Uncle EJ? Are you ok? You have been watching everyone come in for the past 5 minutes" she told me.

"Oh, yeah. I'm fine. Just thinking" I smiled at her.

"Okayyyyy" she replied not really believing me "I'll keep an eye on you anyway"

She's so caring. What did I expect? Her parents are two loving and caring people! Of course she is loving and caring!

"Let's start of with some warm ups" I announced, getting my head in the game.

Ricky's POV

I woke up this morning sad, like always. I try to act happy for my daughter. Olivia is my everything now. Without her I don't know where I'd be. Ever since Nini and I divorced, for some reason that I don't know, I have been miserable. Olivia and Joshua have really helped me through it. Along with EJ and Big Red. Carlos and Seb haven't not helped I suppose but just not as much as EJ and Red. Liv and Josh have definitely helped the most though. Ash, Gina and Kourt have barely spoken to me. I have no clue why. What ever 'I did' must have been bad. It's a bit awkward with Ash since I literally work right beside her, daily.

I got up and quickly got a shower. I walked into work and did my job. Ash and I had to work together today.

"We're doing the job and that's it" she said.

"Ok" I put my hands up.

We started working together and then did two different things. There was an awkward silence so I tried to start a conversation.

"So... How've you been?" I asked her.

"Fine" she replied, blandly.

"How's Gina and Kourt? I've talked to EJ, Red, Seb and Carlos recently" I smiled at her.

"Fine" she repeated.

"That's good" we sat there for a minute in another awkward silence "What about Nini? Is she ok? I haven't talked to her in forever"

"Fine" again.

"Ashlyn! I haven't and didn't do anything wrong! I have no clue why I lost the love of my life and half of my friend group! I even nearly lost my daughter and I have no clue why and the best part is that no one will tell me why" I whisper shouted at her. That got her attention. She turned around to look at me.

"Love of your life?" She asked, laughing a bit.

"Yes. Do you not remember the three years that we were married and the other three years that we were together with a child before that?" I told her.

She just nodded and rolled her eyes, looking back at what she was doing.

"Ashlyn, please, tell me what I did wrong" I begged.

"You really want to know?" She turned back around to face me.

"Yes, please" I got excited wondering what awful thing that I didn't know that I had did which ruined my life.

"Ask Nini" she replied before turning back to her work.

"I have. Many times. She won't tell me. It's not fair" I started crying, wondering if I would ever know what I did wrong.

"Ricky" she got my attention "I feel really bad that you clearly have no clue what happened and needed Nini in your life but I can't betray my best friend like that"

"Ok, what ever" I said before going back to my work.

"Ricky. I really do. Nini loved you so much" then the bell for the end of the day went "I'll see you tomorrow. Say hi to Olivia and Joshua for me"

She packed up her stuff and left after taking one last look at me. I could tell that she felt really bad.

Time to go pick up my daughter. And her friend.

Joshua's POV

Olivia and I were walking home from school to her house when we bumped into Mr Red. He doesn't like anyone calling him Mr Redonovitch because... Yeah, in sure you can guess. And I'm not allowed to call him Big Red because he's my teacher. It's a bit awkward when I'm going to Liv's house and he or the other teachers are there. They tell me to call them by their real names there because it's not school but it feels so weird.

"He Uncle Red" Olivia smiled.

"Oh! Hey Livvy Bear! Hey Joshy Bear!" He smiled at us.

"You know you can just call me Josh? I'm not gonna feel left out" I told them.

"Hey, Uncle Red! Can I ask you something?" Liv asked.

"Sure, what is it?"

"Do you know why my parents divorced all those years ago? I know you say you don't but do you know anything at all? Has Auntie Ash told you even the slightest thing?" She asked.

"Sorry, no. I'll let you know if I think of anything though!" He replied.

"Oh... Ok!" Liv looked a bit sad.

"Anyway, I've gotta go. See you in class tomorrow!" He waved.

"Bye" we said to him. When he walked off, Liv took out her new notebook and shook her head, sadly at me and scored Mr Red's name off.

"Mom?!" Olivia called when she walked into her house.

"Hey Mrs Bow- Ms Salazar-Roberts" I corrected myself "Sorry"

"Josh, how many times have I told you? Call me Nini so you don't make that mistake" she came into the hall after pausing her movie.

I nodded "Mom, we're gonna do a photoshoot upstairs. Joshua need some practice" Liv told her, laughing.

"Hey!" I nudged her "I'm not that bad"

"Ok. There are some apples in the fruit bowl" Nini went back into the living room and continued the movie.

"Let's go" Liv took my hand. We ran upstairs and started the photoshoot.

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