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Olivia's POV

"Cheese!" I heard Josh smile as soon as I woke up.

"Cheese!" I heard Josh smile as soon as I woke up

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A/N it's a double bed

"Haha" he laughed at the picture he took of me.

"Ugh" I groaned "What time is it?"

"Nearly twelve o'clock" he replied.

"What time were you up at?" I yawned as I sat up.

"Around ten o'clock" he sat down in the bed and handed me the printed photo.

I looked at it and threw it on his knee in an annoyed way before tying my hair up.

"Do you want to go for a morning swim in the lake?" I suggested.

"Yes but your mom said that we have to leave at one o'clock" he told me.

"Oh... Ok" I got up and got a comfy jumper, my swimsuit and a coat out. I grabbed the first towels that I could see before turning to a confused looking Josh "Grab your stuff. I can get changed and dried in 30 minutes. That leaves us with a 30 minute swim"

"Aren't we glad that the lake is right beside your mom's house" he laughed grabbing his stuff "Race you"

He ran out of the room and downstairs. I quickly followed him and we somehow managed to get there and the same time. My mom followed probably because she was very confused about why we were running.

"What's going on here?" She smiled.

"We're going for a morning swim for half an hour" I told her.

"Ok but be ready by one or else I'm leaving without you" she walked back into the house.

"Picture?" We both said at the same time. We got the camera out and got a perfect picture in a minute.

 We got the camera out and got a perfect picture in a minute

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"What were you even looking at?" I laughed.

"I don't know, can we just swim now?" He smiled.

"Ok... Yeah sure" we were about to start swimming when Mom called us in.

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