3. Best of Friends

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Since Lily was a prefect, as was Remus, I was left with James, Sirius, and Peter to walk to Gryffindor Tower. All the while, I couldn't help but have my heart broken with every step.

"So, Rory," Sirius addressed me, slinging his arm around my shoulder, "do you have a boyfriend?"

I stifled a chuckle, but internally applauded his confidence, "And what if I do?"

"Well, I could give you every reason to dump him and have a go with someone more... acceptable," I could hear the smile in Sirius's voice.

James and Peter walked in front of us and I could hear the soft laugh from them ahead of us. A wicked idea popped into my head.

"And if I had a girlfriend?" I raised my brow and stepped out from his arm.

The two boys in front of us almost fell over in a heap of laughter while Sirius looked beyond offended at my question, but quickly fixed his face.

"Well, then she's a lucky gal," he cleared his throat and loosened his tie.

I placed my own hand over my mouth and shook my head, "if you could see your own face."

Sirius quickly glared at me and pushed me lightly as we made our way to the Tower.

The next morning, I told Lily all about the little conversation I had with the boys and she almost lost it. Back in the Hall for breakfast, we were accompanied by Marlene Price, another sixth year, and made our way to the Gryffindor Table. The boys were nowhere to be seen, lucky for Lily.

Professor McGonagall gave out our timestable. Despite me not taking my O.W.Ls for another twenty years, Professor Dumbledore had asked me to relay the O.W.L.s I had passed and which classes I'd be willing to take. During my sixth year, I had taken classes to suit my decision on being a healer. With that being said, Lily and I had identical lessons.

"Arithmancy and Ancient Runes?" a voice said over my shoulder. "But Defense Against Dark Arts as well? What are you playing at?"

"Healer, but I like learning about how to protect myself, so here I am," I shrugged and looped my arm with Lily.

"I reckon you and Remus would get along pretty well," James scoffed.

"Not my fault I like to learn," I narrowed my eyes at them.

"Come on, Rory, we have Runes," Lily said.

Together we walked out of the Hall and to our class. Lily and I sat with each other every lesson besides Herbology where she spent her lesson with Marlene. I didn't mind, Marlene had been her best friend for six years and she barely knows my name.

It wasn't until Tuesday, before Double Potions, that there was a problem. Even though I had one Monday lessons with the Marauders, I only spoke with them in between classes and in the common room. Today, though, the boys looked extra... excited.

"And why do you lot seem so excited for Potions?" I inquired.

James and Sirius shared the same evil look, worrying me. Lily only rolled her eyes and pulled me along.

"I can't wait to see Snape," James smirked maliciously.

"What's wrong with Professor Snape?" I said absentmindedly. I only realized my mistake when they both sniggered, earning a glare from Lily and a loud laugh from Peter. "What? I don't know why I said that," I mumbled.

"Nevermind them, Aurora," Lily huffed and pulled me to the side, letting the boys pass us. "Can you do me a favor, please?"

"Of course," I nodded, "anything."

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