10. Win Some, Lose Some

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"nothing's funny anymore and I'll keep trying to help you heal. I'll stop you crying and dry your tears"


"You seem happier today," Severus commented as he sat down across from me in the library.

"Yes, I am," I smiled to myself.

"Reckon you've made up with your friends?"

My smile faltered and I groaned, "no, they're still being gits."

"That they are."

"Shut it, Snape," I rolled my eyes.

"Then what's got you so happy, Aurora?" Sev smiled.

"I got into the Slug Club," I beamed. "And just in time for Slughorn's Christmas Party!"

During my first sixth year, Harry and Hermione both got into the Slug Club while Ron and I didn't. Then for the Christmas Party, Harry took me, as friends, and Hermione was going to take Ron, but he and Hermione had an argument, so she went with a true troll.

"That's amazing!" Severus congratulated me. "We'll see each other at the dinners!"

"You're part of he Slug Club, as well?" My brows furrowed.

"Always a tone of surprise with you," he smirked. "But yes, I am."

"How come you spend your Saturday evenings here when he has a dinner for his Club?" I asked.

"I never had a reason to go."

"But Lily's there," I frowned.

"I stand by what I said," Sev said curtly.

I whinced at his strict voice and nodded. They still weren't on the best speaking terms, it would make sense that he would skip the dinners to avoid being in the same room as Lily, who would ignore him.

"Well, now you have a reason to go," I smiled. "With me!"

"Yes, I suppose so," he sighed dramatically.

The rest of our session ended up being a study time to review different Charms and work on the homework rather than sift through the books I had laid out.

Back in the common room, the four boys were absent but, surprisingly enough, Lily was sitting there with a book in hand.

"Lily?" I asked, shaking her awake.

"Hm?" she sat up, stretching a bit. After rubbing the sleep from her eyes, she looked around the empty common room, "what time is it?"

"Just after nine," I said. "You fell asleep?"

"Yeah, I've been studying for the Herbology quiz we have tomorrow," said Lily.

"You should have come to the library. Sev and I were studying for Charms, we could have helped with Herbology— well, I could have," I added.

"I didn't know you were with Sev," Lily said, sitting up a little straighter.

"Yeah, most evenings he accompanies me in the library after dinner when you and Marlene stopped coming," I nodded.

"Uh, what do you two usually do?"

"We study. He helps me read through some books and sometimes helps me with Potions while I help him with Charms."

"That's all?"

"Uh, yeah?" I said, sitting next to her. "What else would we do?"

"No, just curious," Lily mumbled. "He's never taken a liking to anyone but other Slytherins."

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