6. Condescending Candies

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"Aurora Snow Pyrites! If you don't wake up this instant I'm going to—"

I felt myself being pushed off my bed and onto the floor by a very angry, mute redhead. Her mouth moved, but nothing came out of it. I could tell she was using vulgar words, demanding me to take the Silencing Charm off her.

Pointed my wand at her again, I ended the enchantment earning a growl from the small redhead.

"Lils, why do you feel the need to wake me up to violently," I groaned, rubbing the newly sore spot on the back of my head.

"Says the one that jinxed me!" Lily shouted, getting up from her scraddled position.

"I reckon you save that position for James," I said suggestively. Lily's freckled face reddened at the innuendo.

"Cap it, Pyrites," she called over her shoulder, throwing a spare scarf at me.

Today was the thirty-first of October, Halloween. I saw excited despite my chipper wake up call. Bundling myself in leggings and jeans, on top of the long sleeved shirt and sweater, I grabbed my cloak and ran down the spiral stairs to meet Lily and Marlene. The common room was adorned with purple and black streamers, floating jack-o-lanters and bowls of various toffees and taffies. Had Fred and George been here, I would never grabbed unattended candies from a random bowl, but they weren't even born yet, so I helped myself.

"Rory, it is barely half eight, what are you doing grabbing sweets?" Lily scolded me.

"Sorry, Mum," I threw one of the taffy pieces at her, hitting her in between her eyes.

Lily only narrowed her eyes at me and ran out of the Tower towards the Great Hall with Marlene giggling beside her. The corridors also held festive decorations from more floating pumpkins to live hoards of bats flying around. The Hall was grander than all of it. The ceiling was swirling with the idea of twilight and the floating candles were also replaced by pumpkins. The tables were lined with purple and black bouquets and silver instead of the usual gold eating ware.

From across the Hall, I caught to eye of Severus and gave him a large smile.

"Has anyone got a quill and some paper?" I asked, sitting down at the breakfast table.

"Good morning to you, too, Arie," Sirius grumbled. He was not a morning person, especially on a Saturday.

"Drink your morning tea and get your knickers out of a twist," I dismissed him and put some scrambled eggs onto my plate.

James and Peter let out obnoxious laughs while Remus handed me a free parchment and an inked quill. I gave him a grateful smile and quickly got to writing.

James, Remus, and Lily all spoke with each other, both Peter and Marlene giving their input while I carefully folded the paper into a skilled origami dragon. I could feel Sirius's wondering eyes as I tapped the dragon with my wand and blew it off my hand towards the Hall.

This caught the attention of people around us. Multiple owls flew it, dropping of Halloween presents, letters, and newspaper while the dragon flew towards it's target. Sirius turned away from me and watched the dragon fly as it got lost in the owls.

"Who was that to?" Sirius turned to me when he couldn't see it anymore.

I didn't answer as I was too preoccupied with the dragon. I never lost sight of it and continued watching it until it fell into his hands. Happy with it's delivery, I finally turned my attention to Sirius and noticed that my other friends also stopped their conversation to watch me.

"I- I'm sorry?" I said to no one and bashfully took a sip of my pumpkin juice. I felt as if I'd been caught doing something I wasn't supposed to do.

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