8. Marauders' Map

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I don't think I'd ever been more grateful for magic than the morning after Sirus's birthday. The pounding headache I wore was enough to keep me in bed all day, but Lily Evans was truly an angel sent from Merlin himself.

"Aurora," Lily whispered, "you have to take the healing potion. I promise you'll feel better."

After a few minutes of throwing my pillows and shoes at her, for speaking too loudly, she learned to whisper. Now that I had stopped throwing things at her, I finally heard what she was trying to tell me and was ever so grateful.

With an outstretched hand, Lily placed the small corked vial in my hands. Turning myself slightly, I uncorked it and threw the sour liquid down my throat. Chills ran through my body, but my throbbing headache started to go away. I opened my eyes to see a smirk on Lily's face.

"Stuff it, Evans," I groaned and sat up, running my hands through my tangled hair.

"We have fifteen minutes until our first lesson," she reminded me. "You missed breakfast, for the most part, so I brought you some buttered toast."

"I love you," I murmured.

Lily giggled and threw my pillow back at me. Despite the healing potion, I still felt as if I've been drowned and resuscitated multiple times. Another groan left my mouth as I stood up to change and eat the bread.

"So," Lily started; the tone of her voice was more suggestive than innocent, "you came in pretty late last night."

"Okay," I said warily as I combed my hair.

"I reckon one of the boys probably walked you to the stairs," she continued.

"And?" I finally turned to face her.

Her lips were upturned in a knowing smile, causing me to narrow my eyes at her.

"That's what I'd like to know," said Lily.

"You're awful you know that?"

"Stop stalling, Pyrites!"

It was only us in the room, I could only assume Marlene and our other roommate were still eating breakfast in the Hall whereas Lily came to wake me up with the potion and a handful of toast.

I sighed, knowing she'd never leave me be, and said, "yes, your speculations are correct."

Lily squealed and cheered in place, "I knew! How did it happen?"

Reluctantly, I told Lily of the events of my kiss with Sirius last night as we made our way to our first lesson. Transfiguration was a nightmare between the stares of the Marauders (Sirius one hundred percent told them about the kiss) from behind me and the guilt of not talking to Severus in class, I ended up turning my Cauldron Cake into a carrot instead of a cabbage.

"Miss Pyrites, is there a problem with your transfiguration?" said Professor McGonagall.

"It seems as if I turned it into the wrong vegetable," I sighed. "I apologize."

I quickly turned it back into the cake and gave her a small, timid smile. She did not reciprocate it.

The past week consisted of distracted study sessions and awkward common room times. For the most part, Lily kept me busy and my mind off of how distant Sirius had become since our little kiss. Severus even noticed how stand-offish I'd been and seemed to stop his inquires on my fascination of time.

It wasn't until one of our walks from the library that he had any questions.

"Is everything alright?" Sev asked softly.

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