16. Confessions

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"How did you find out how to get in here?"

Instead of answering, I curled up into a ball again and turned away from him.

"I didn't mean to upset you, Aurora."

I sniffled in response and hugged myself tighter.

"If it makes you feel better, James got an earful from Lily about dueling in the courtyard and losing you."

His confession only caused more tears to fall.

"Aurora, please, talk to me."

"What would you like me to say?" I whispered hoarsely.

"Something, anything!" Sirius said. "Insult me, jinx me some more, hex me, but please, don't ignore me. Just talk to me."

"I miss my friends," I admitted. The statement broke my heart and my lip quivered.

"From Beauxbaton?"

I nodded, not wanting to lie any further. It was tiring and I didn't have the energy.

"Is that why you're crying too?"

I nodded again. "I wish they were here, I wish I was there, I wish I could... see them," I said and completely broke down again.

My sobs were beyond the duel by now. I knew that each of the boys were sorry and healed, they'd say they won't do it again, but would at the end of the day. My cries echoed in my chest and down the tunnel.

Sirius quickly crawled over to me and embraced me tightly, I let him. For just a moment, I could pretend it was one of my friends, comforting me instead of someone else. For a moment, I was back with my friends.

"Aurora," Sirius whispered in my ear and my little world popped, bringing me back to this reality.

Sirius positioned himself so that I was curled up in between his legs, against his chest. My head laid on his chest, his arms wrapped around me, rocking me. He said nothing more and continued to calm me down.

His actions sent a wave of confusion through me; the embrace was comforting and calming, it felt warm and safe. He hummed a melody of a song I didn't know, his chest vibrating with every note, sending relief through my body.

Once I stopped shaking, Sirius loosened his embrace, but continued to rock me. His hand rubbed my back, soothingly. I felt so small in his arms, one little thing could knock me down and break me once again. The strong, independent girl that stood tall at all times was gone and, in the shell of her, was left as a fragile flower in a garden of weeds.

"Are you okay now?" said Sirius softly. I nodded and pulled away from his embrace, trying to gain back some of my lost confidence.

"I'm sorry for crying," I croaked. My throat was raw and I cleared it to try and fix it.

"Don't ever apologize for crying," Sirius said quickly.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked, changing the subject as I didn't know what to say.

Sirius shook out his arm to look at a little watch her held. I illuminated my wand and shined it over him.

"It's almost ten," Sirius said and let out a string of curses.

"You don't have the Map, do you?" I sighed, knowing the answer.

Slowly, we made our way out of the tunnel and scurried across the grounds to the castle. Every shadow looked like a teacher, every movement was either Filch or Mrs. Norris. The corridors seemed to have grown longer than they were before and every step we took was louder than I remembered.

All the Time in the World | Sirius BlackWhere stories live. Discover now