23. Authorities

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Lily and James had caught us dancing and giggled more than a gaggle of fourth year school girls. After an hour of explaining to the pair that Sirius and I were, a, not together and, b, didn't plan of messing around anytime soon, Lily suggested that we go back to her house to grab my things so I could spend the next two weeks with Sirius and James in Sirius's flat.

"So are you and Sirius actually together?" Lily asked once we Apparated into her room.

"We've already told you," I said. "Sirius and I are not together. We're two friends who like to kiss each other and slow dance."

"Right," Lily said sceptically.

Saying it aloud, it sounded odd, but Sirius and I are only just friends. Nothing more. He is my best friend. It just happens that we enjoy kissing each other, there is nothing wrong with kissing friends.

"Lily," I warned.

"Aurora, it's just a simple question! I reckon you both will end up together by the end of first term," Lily speculated.

"More like you and James," I laughed. Instead of denying it, Lily's face flushed a bright red and her ears turned scarlet. "Merlin! You actually fancy James now?"

"Don't you dare say anything," Lily said. "Marlene will be so upset and so will Sev."

Over the summer, Lily and I met up with Severus at a park near her house. We didn't do it often, but when we did, it was nice to hang out with him.

"For once, Lily Evans, think of yourself instead of others," I sighed.

Lily groaned and I knew I won. Although altruistic, I knew Lily had very selfish desires, like dating future-Quidditch Captain and Head Boy James Potter.

"Do we have to tell your mum that I'm going to spend the rest of summer with Sirius?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Well, she's working right now, you can leave her a letter on the kitchen counter," Lily said, "and I'll just reiterate it to her when she comes home."

"Should I bring my school trunk?"

"No, I'll bring it before we go to Diagon Alley later this month."

Grabbing my bag, with a weeks worth of muggle clothes, Lily and I Apparated back to Sirius's flat. James and Sirius were trying to work the television when we materialized. Both boys were sitting cross-legged on the living room floor, pushing buttons and tapping the box with their wands.

"You are going to break the device," I laughed.

James and Sirius jumped at my voice, clearly too preoccupied with the television to hear us pop into the room.

"Lily, how do you work this?" James groaned.

"All you have to do it click this button and move the antenas— the little things that look like skinny wands— until the picture focuses," Lily explained.

"And what's this?" Sirius asked, pulling this box looking device from under the television stand.

"Oh! You've got the Universal Remote."

"The what?" I said.

"It's so that you can change the channels while sitting down instead of getting up to click the buttons," Lily told us.

"Muggles are so weird," I mumbled, curling up into the couch as the three of them messed around with the television.

Lily left back to her house just before dinner. James sat in the single seater as Sirius pulled me into him on the couch. After an hour of trying to find how to work the television, we settled on a funny sitcom about an American family.

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