26. Room of Requirement

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"Attention," Professor McGonagall said as she tapped her fork on her glass goblet, "Professor Dumbledore has something he'd like to announce."

The entire Great Hall silenced at her voice. Early today, there had been a mandatory dinner at six o'clock so that everyone would be present during the announcement Dumbledore had. With a smile, Dumbledore stood from his seat and addressed the entire Hall,

"Thank you, Minerva. Now, I have an announcement for you all that will surely make you happy. If you are a seventh year, then you already know how this works.

"This year, there will be a Halloween Ball—"

The entire Hall erupted in cheers and claps, excited about the event. Hogwarts never held events like this, more or less a ball. Slughorn's parties were so grand because it isn't something done, but this year, everyone will be able to participate. A Ball.

Dumbledore raised his hands and the noise stopped so he continued, "The ball will be a Masquerade and be held on October thirty-first, which is a Friday. Classes will be shortened, to accommodate this, so they do not pass two o'clock in the afternoon.

"To attend this ball, you must wear a mask for it is the entire notion encompassing a Masquerade; you will not be allowed into the Hall without a mask. And to make things more interesting, although I cannot control it, I recommend leaving hints and riddles to find your partner at this event. You will then meet them at the ball, based on the hints given, at midnight.

"The Halloween celebration will begin at six in the evening and end at one in the morning. Curfew will be half-one to accommodate for the event. Dinner will be served at half-six. Dress robes are required and, since it is a ball, there will be a midnight waltz," Dumbledore smiled as the faces in the Great Hall contorted in different reactions based on the information given.

For example, I had a wide excited smile on my face, as did Lily and Marlene, where the four boys looked repulsed at the idea of dancing and wearing fancy dress robes.

"Now, that the announcement is over, you may leave or enjoy dinner," Dumbledore said, sitting down.

The Hall burst out in talk and people standing up to leave. The seven of us stayed in our chairs and began to talk about the Halloween plans.

"I want to go," I said. Lily and Marlene nodded. "It seems like a lot of work. We have to get a date, leave hints about how we're going to dress with our masks and all—"

"But that's going to make it fun!" Marlene intervened.

"I s'pose," I mumbled. The four boys held mischievous smiles and it slightly frightened me, they were always up to no good. "Girls, I say let's go."

"But there's chocolate cake—"

"Take a smile in a napkin and lets go," I said quickly to Marlene.

I didn't like the vibes I got from the boys, they always planned something evil and especially with the ball that's going to happen in a fortnight. Reluctantly, Marlene got up as Lily and I left our half eaten desserts. Sending a wave to the boys, the three of us scurried out of the Great Hall.

"What's that all about?" Lily asked.

"I didn't like the look on their faces," I said. "This masquerade gives  them every right to play pranks on party goers and I can tell they're planning something."

"What do you think they're going to do?" said Marlene as we ran up the steps to Gryffindor Tower.

"Only Merlin knows," I exasperated.

And I was right.

Within the last week, the Marauder boys have been crazier than usual and I could not blame in on the full moon for that night, they behaved normally. Instead of the usual fawning on Lily, everytime James saw Lily he would blush and run the other way with Sirius. Even Lily noticed and I could tell she felt odd.

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