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All praises to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May he send Salam upon our beloved prophet Muhammad(saw) and his family.. Aameen

I want to make that very clear that there was absolute no question about Ali and Fatima(Ra) love. There was no question of the love of that relationship. In fact you can find out the dept of their love and that is something has to be told!.

So, There was these deep love between both of them Subhan Allah!!. And Ali(Ra) was a poet(Arabs are fond of poetry and whenever they gather, there will be a competition among them. It is a common thing you can find in the Arabs) Ali(Ra) was a poet, and he used to offer love poetry to Fatima(Ra)(*Girls, our husbands or future husbands should be a poet. Don't you think? ...hehe*).

The story goes that one day Ali – may Allah be pleased him – noticed that his wife Fatimah -may Allah be pleased with her – had in her hand an 'Ood al-Arak, also known by the name: Siwaak سِواك and she was using it (For those of you who don't know, a Siwaak سِواك back then was their equivalent of our toothbrush nowadays. It is made from the branches of Al-'Araak tree شَجَرُ الأَراك). So he decided to flirt with her saying:

قد فُزتَ يا عودَ الأَراكِ بثغْرِها *** ما خِفتَ يا عودَ الأراكِ أراكا
You even got, oh 'Ood al-Arak, to reach her mouth! ***
Were you not afraid, oh 'Ood al-Arak, that I'll see you!?

ولو كُنْتَ مِنْ أَهْلِ القتالِ قتلتُك *** ما فازَ منِّي يا سواكُ سواك
Had you been of the people that fight, I would have killed you!
No one has been able to defeat me, oh Siwaak, except for you!!

Fatima(Ra) felt so treasured and touched by it And of course, the whole scene he is laying out one of "Jihad" and being in a battle; victory (of  the brush)and defeat (of him) . (*Hmm, I'm so tempted to a try a sharh(explanation) on this, it's so full of meaning and twists.. haha*)

Thai was his way of expressing his Love, using his eloquence in poetry!.

The true lover and poet, is the one following and preserving the laws of Allaah!

(*Don't disturb I am in my dreamland*.. lol 😆) SubhanAllah!! This is my favourite chapter and I can't get enough of this poetry. SubhanAllah!! It's so beautiful😍... plz someone contact my future husband and tell him to be a poet!!;)

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!. We asked Allah to gather us with them and allow us to be like them. I ask Allah to unite us with our families and to unite us with these blessed family in highest level of jannatul Firdous.. Aameen

Jazakallahukhairan kaseera fee dunya wa Akhirah

Ali and Fatima:From Love to Death Where stories live. Discover now