The death of prophet(saw)

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All praises to Allah the Lord of the worlds. May he send Salam upon our beloved prophet Muhammad(saw) and his family.. Aameen

Now how did they know prophet(saw) died. This is very human story at this point. Ayesha(Ra) SCREAMED!! When prophet(saw) was in her lap and jibriel came in and prophet(saw) face lit up and he raised he's hand to the sky and he said, "I choose the companion of the most high." He(saw) hand then fell, Ayesha(Ra) screamed and the first person to hear it was Fatima(Ra)

When Fatima(Ra) heard that this is what she responded with,"Oh! My father how close you are now to your lord, Oh my dear father to Gibriel we announce your death, Oh my dear father Jannatul Firdous is now your Abode."

Ali(Ra) was stunned, he didn't say a word for days. Anas(ra) said,"we bury prophet as we finished burying him, Fatima was standing behind us. She asked,"how did you bring yourself to put dirt on my father's face,(this is human, this is emotions that coming out from her) how could you find the ability to do that?" And Anas(ra) said,"wallahi! The only way we can were able to do is to deny our hearts, we numb ourselves to be able to place prophet(saw) on the ground and put dirt on his face.

Anas(ra) said, she looked at me and started crying and she turned away and left. She really did not have any desire to live after his(saw) death. Fatima(Ra) after prophet(saw) death immediately not a day she immediately went sick.

We asked Allah to allow us to be like them. I ask Allah to unite us with our families and to unite us with these blessed family in highest level of jannatul Firdous.. Aameen

Jazakallahukhairan kaseera fee dunya wa Akhirah

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