Chapter VI {The queen of bitches and her boyfriend}

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(Micheal Pov) I looked up and heard this snobbish laugh and I sighed "ugh Regina and her boyfriend Shane showed up there in their school uniforms. " Also, the in the same movie theater, but there in the empty parking locking that's just fucking wonderful".

As we were walking around the parking lot, since it was empty, and the small town was busy, and cars were driving by the area, the four of them saw the car nobody in the group wanted to see. Then they see two people get out white minivan, a girl with black-brown hair and an ashy blond boy with the Lakewood private school uniforms.

She had this bitchy tone in her voice like she had with all of us every goddamn time she fucking sees us she spoke with this high as mighty fucking voice "Well, well look what we got here Shane A vampire gothic bitch, a fiery punk, a deformed faggot, and a stoic faggot". The girl put the hand on her hip and used her other hand to cover her mouth as use laugh like a goddamn cliche bitchy popular girl from a fucking chick flick me or our friends we watched on Saturdays when we didn't have school or our after-school jobs to do.

But with an annoyed yet annoyed tone "Ugh Hello Regina". Kyle responded with a bit of sarcastic comment as Shane tried to flirt with the two girls "HEY KNOCK IT OFF FUCK BOY". Jason said with a protective tone as this went on Regina used her powers of the winds to knock the boys out of the way "now it's not a fair fight because we're the only ones with powers oh well taking out disgusting things like you will be better than nothing". As she said this as Shane uses his smoke powers just then he was burnt "well you think you're the only one with powers just because you two are rich doesn't mean you can think of the boys as nothing but disgusting and the only two girls in our group as fucking sex dolls, you're a disgusting bastard." Scarlett said with a cold tone.

Then vectors come out and grab them "Jason...Michael got anything to say before I take the two pieces of shit out this area". Jason turned to Katrina, Michael and scarlet "get this trash out of here ladies or my machete will be talking to them, and their kill would be a waste of my precious time."

Regina offended "HEY YOUR FREAKS ARE A WASTE OF OUR RESOURCES AND TIME YOU FUCKING HEAR YOU A WASTE OF FUCKING SPACE AND YOU ALL NEED TO DIE" she said as Shane told her "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID BITCH THEY'VE WON WE FUCKING LOST GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOU STUPID COW"! Michael "whelp I've heard enough fire them out or I'd hate to get for them to get their blood on my knife just got it sharpened too petty I guess right you guys"?

Both of the looked at him like he grew two heads or some shit like that "oh just get us away from you fucking freaks". As they went off through the air after that went down, they went to the woods and rested for the rest of night doing something before they had to drop Scarlett and Katrina home.

"Girls love you very much and hope this bastard doesn't get to you" both boys said when they were dropped off home for the night.

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