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Leia's POV

I sat in the crown of my favorite tree and stared at the beautiful sunrise that was slowly illuminating the place I called home. I didn't do this every morning, wasn't that much of an early riser, but sometimes I just needed to see it. Most people like sunsets more that sunrisings. For me, sunrise always ment start of a new day that could bring anything.  That was what came to my mind, when my mother, along with another woman, came running to me. Both of their faces were controlled, but it was useless ... I could feel their worry, anxiety and ... fear. I quickly jumped down to them.

"There is no time for questions now, my child. You have to go with Ashla, she will take you to safety and then will answer as much of your questions as she will be able to. Now come, hurry!" I knew when it was pointless to argue with my parents, so I only took Ashla's offered hand and went with her. I didn't want to leave mom, dad or anyone else behind, but I knew I could talk to them later.

Ashla didn't say a word as she led us to her ship. Only when we entered Alderaanian's orbit I saw something exiting hyperspace. I recognized it as a space station, but one I never saw before. One could mistake it for a moon. I saw small dots coming from the station. TIE fighters. They were clearly trying to stop us from running. Luckily for us, Ashla was a great pilot and managed to avoid them all while the computer calculated a jump to hyperspace.

After jumping, we both relaxed. I had many questions, but I learned to always observe people before asking them anything. So I did just that. Beside me was sitting a young Togruta female, maybe around 25 years of age with blue eyes and beautiful face markings. She looked at me and I mustered my courage. I had right for answers!

"I guess that you taking me away had something to do with the Empire appearing over Alderaan."

"Yes," she answered simply.

"But why? They wouldn't dare to hurt me! I am roalty."

"Your parents didn't want to risk anything. If anyone asks, they simply..."

I didn't hear the rest of the sentence. In fact, I didn't hear or see anything. Only felt. Terror and fear that I sensed never before. Then it increased and increased till I couldn't bear it anymore. Just when I thought about passing out, I felt a warm like blanket around me. I still felt, but not so much. However, it was still crushing. And then ... nothing. Cold, void space was left in my mind and, what terrified me even more, in my heart. All this happened in milisecond, even thought it felt like minutes. And then everyone I loved was gone. Even when I didn't understand it, I always felt my parents, my friends and sometimes someone who I felt like I should recognize, but I didn't. This one unrecognizable presence was all that remained in my mind and heart. Suddenly, that warm blanket wasn't enough. I felt everything go dark around me. I felt weak, had no chance but to follow the darkness.

I woke up in a bed, with a real blanket over me. I still couldn't feel my parents. Usually, I am strong, I don't cry. This time, I wasn't able to stop tears from flowing. I felt hands on my shoulders and looked up to see the Togruta woman. I completely forgot about her, but I couldn't bring myself to care. I let her embrace me. For some reason, I knew she knew what happened. What I also knew was that she was the warm presence that protected me earlier.

I don't know for how long we sat there, maybe it were minutes, maybe hours, but eventually I pulled away. I needed to know what happened.

"I was scheduled to meet with your father. I was in meeting with him, when he received an urgent message. I can only guess that it was about the giant station we saw. He contacted your mother, said she will lead me to you and that we will have to go. He told me to go to Tatooine and that's where we are headed right now." Tatooine? Why there? I still didn't understand it. Why couldn't they go with me?! Ashla seemed to be reading my mind, because she said:

"They couldn't go with you, in case that Imperials would go down on the planet. Both of your parents were supposed to be on the planet and it would only raise suspicion if they weren't there." Yes, and now they are dead. That thought crossed my mind before I could stop it. It was then, when I realized they are truly gone. I felt tears stinging in my eyes again. Ashla continued...

"Your father told me where to go, once we reach Tatooine. He also said, that there is a man that will help us and tell us everything we need to know."

But it wasn't so important to me anymore. Nothing was. Ashla wanted me to eat something, but I just didn't have the appetite. I layed down and dozed of. It always cleared my mind. Then I felt that unknown presence. Felt it closer and closer ... because said presence was on Tatooine as well. I just knew it. Maybe it was the man that is supposed to help us? But I told my parents about the presence before. Did they know it was the man? And if they did why didn't they tell me anything? I knew I am not going to get any answers soon. I slipped into sleep filled with memories of my parents and of everyone I lost. In my dreams, my loved ones dissapeared with the last rays of sunlight. With the sunset.

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