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Ahsoka's POV

It were a few weeks since I brought twins here, to Mortis. We didn't leave the planet ever since. We had everything we needed, yet I could see none of us were truly happy. Luke and Leia suddenly lost people they knew and while Luke's aunt and uncle were alive and well, he still couldn't see them. As for Leia...she truly lost everyone. I lost count on how many times she would wake up screaming, both psychically and in the Force. I comforted her as best as I could, but she needed her parents. Unfortunately, they were gone. All four of them. As for was getting harder and harder to see them, hear them, feel them. Everytime I looked at Leia I saw Padmé, but her action's were Anakin's. Everytime I looked at Luke I saw Anakin, but he was more like Padmé. Where Leia was impatient and brash, Luke was calm and patient. Leia also shared her father's sense of sarcasm. She was passionate and even though she knew us only for month and half, she already would do anything for us. That was Anakin's trait. I often found myself laying in the bed during the night, thinking about him. Doesn't matter how much I tried, I always ended up with tears. Luke and Leia, while I would never give them up, reopened wounds that weren't fully closed yet. Leia's passion, Luke's love for all reminded me of him. I never told him just how much he meant to me. I always told myself: later. Well, there is no later now. He is dead. Tears started to form in my eyes again. I wonder, did he know? Did he know how much I cared for him? Loved him? In the beginning, I saw him as a father. Then, as we both grew up, I looked up to him as to a brother. And the only person I ever told that to was Trace. And she didn't even know who I was talking about. I missed everyone from my old life. Master Kenobi, Master Plo, Master Shaak Ti, Master Yoda, Lux, Trace and Rafa, Rex, even Barriss. Seeing Padmé's grave almost killed me. I wasn't sure I was able to continue after that. But I found senator Organa. Or, he found me. It wasn't enought, but at least it set my mind to different things. During the day. Nights were different. I wanted to give up so many times. I didn't have anyone. Rex was alive, but Force knows where. I had no way of finding him. Anakin wouldn't give up. He never gave up. Even in the darkest hour, he always believed in hope. I realizied I was his legacy. His child died (or so I thought), so, who else? I couldn't let go of the one thing he always believed in. So I held onto it. Never lost hope. And now I've got two little children. Another Anakin's and Padmé's legacies I have to protect. Still, it was hard. But worth it. He was worth it.

After coming to Mortis, Luke quickly found out he could just sit down and meditate. He never practiced it before, but slipped into it pretty easy. At first, Leia thought it was boring. But after a few times, she changed her mind. Now I would find these two frequently sitting together, deep in meditation. They were both a shining balls of light, but together? It felt like nothing could even taint them with darkness. I slipped from my bed and started looking for them. I found them at the end of the meadow, just a few meters from forest. They were meditating, again. I smiled and joined them. They felt me and immediately let me in. Their light and love floated straight to me and I sent my own love and light, along with pride, towards them. I don't how much time has passed, but suddenly I got a feeling I didn't have in a long time. I felt Luke and Leia fade away from my mind. I was about to have a vision.

(the bold parts of the dialogue were not written by me, but by Lucasfilm)

I was standing in a room full of droids and medical equipment. Before me eyes widened...the Emperor. I didn't recognise him, but felt him. The dark side was almost too much. Beside him was a man in a black suit, chained to a medical table, that was slowly turning to horizontal position. It was Darth Vader, Emperor's right hand man. The man that killed so many Jedi, even younglings. There weren't many people I feared, but these two were certainly on top of the list.

"Lord Vader, can you hear me?" Emperor asked.

After a moment of silence, Vader answered: "Yes, master," and looked towards the Emperor.

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