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Leia's POV

Ashla woke me up. We were on Tatooine. I thought we will land in a city, but when I looked out, I saw only desert.

"Aren't we going into the city?" I asked.

"No. Your father's coordinates brought us here."

I saw she had a cloak on her and she gave one to me as well. We walked through the desert, under the scorching sun for about half an hour, when we noticed a small house. When we came closed, Ashla knocked. After a while, a man, looking rather old, opened the door. I felt Ashla stiffen.

"May I help you?" he asked catiously.

"May we come inside?" Ashla asked.

The old man motioned for us to come in. The second he closed the door, Ashla spoke:

"Obi-wan?" The man froze. He started to reach for something on his belt, but then stopped and stared at the Togruta.

"It is me, master. You don't recognize me because of a face paint." Face paint? Clever way for Togruta to mask their identity.

"Ahsoka?" So she too picked on a false name? I wondered why? What made her so wanted that she needed to change it?

Ashla, no, Ahsoka, nodded and closed the distance between them, hugging Obi-wan tightly. He seemed shocked for a moment, but then he returned the hug wholeheartly, clearly missing her just as much as she missed him. After a moment, she pulled back with a huge smile on her face that Obi-wan returned.

"You are alive. I can't believe it. You aren't among the wanted, I thought you are dead."

"I faked my death." Oh, so that is why she is hiding so much. Obi-wan seemed to finally notice me.

"And who is this young lady you brought with you? How did you even find me?"

"Senator Organa told us help is here, however, he didn't mention it to be you. And as for the girl, her name is Leia Organa, she is senator's daughter." Obi-wan paled at that.

"I see. Princess, while it is an honor to meet you, may I ask you to leave us alone for a moment? You are free to wander the house, but please don't leave it." I was curious what they were going to talk about, but the thought of exploring the house wasn't so bad either.

"Alright." I walked out.

Ahsoka's POV

I noticed how Obi-wan paled when he heard who Leia is and I needed answers. Why send me here? Sure, I was very happy to see Obi-wan again, but what does he have to do with anything?

"She has no home now. Have you felt it? The voices crying out? Alderaan is ... gone." I still couldn't believe it. The Empire had a weapon capable of destroying a planet?!

"Yes, I felt it. I didn't know it was Alderaan, but now I do."

"But why destroy it? It is, was, a peaceful planet."

Obi-wan thought for a moment: "It is possible the Empire found a lead that Alderaan is supporting a rebellion."

"Yes, but still ... destroying an entire planet?"

"It is a good example of how to scare other systems into obedience." And while I agreed with Obi-wan, I stayed quiet.

His next question surprised me: "Ahsoka, what do you know about senator Amidala's death?" After the Clone war ended, I found out through HoloNet that Padmé died pregnant and that Jedi were responsible for her dead. I didn't believe the latter and never thought much about the former. Of course, I missed her dearly. I wasn't blind. I knew who the father was. And by the look on Obi-wan's face, he knew it too.

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