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Luke's POV

"Luke! Luke, come on! Ahsoka is coming!" Leia was yelling as she run in and out of our room. I let go of what I was doing and ran after her. When I got outside, the ship was just landing. I noticed aunt Beru and uncle Owen exiting the house moments after me. But then my attention was focused back on the ship. Or, more precisely, on two figures coming from it.

"Luke! Leia! It is so good to see you again," Ahsoka said and lowered herself down, hugging us.

"You too! Why didn't you let us know you were coming? What about your friend? Is this him? That means he is alright, right? Is it him?" Leia started.

"Leia, Leia slow down," Ahsoka laughed, "yes, this is my friend and he is alright. I didn't comm you because I wanted this to be a surprise."

I looked at the man. He was smiling. It seemed our reactions to their arrival made him genuinely happy.

"My name is Luke," I extended my hand, "what's yours?" The man looked at me, touched I approached him, and answered: "Anakin."

"And I am Leia," Leia said, jumping in.

"Pleasure to meet both of you," Anakin said, smiling from ear to ear.

I felt weird feelings from uncle and aunt. I looked towards them and saw their shocked faces. Leia noticed it, too.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

Aunt Beru came closer to Anakin. "You were alive? All this time?" she asked angrily. Why is she angry? Shouldn't she be happy?

"I was, but I thought they were dead," Anakin spoke, motioning to me and Leia. Dead? Why would he think we were dead? How would he even know us?

"Oh, really?" uncle Owen stepped in.

"Yes, really." Anakin retorted.

"Alright, alright. Let's not argue. I can guarantee that Anakin truly didn't know Leia and Luke were alive," Ahsoka said.

"How is that possible? Why wouldn't he know?" Beru asked.

Ahsoka took a glance at Anakin. "There were a lot of...betrayals. He really didn't know. I swear. That is why he is here now. To make up for a lost time."

"I am never abandoning them. You have my word."

"So you want him to stay here and help you raise them, am I correct?" Owen asked.

"Yes," Ahsoka answered.

"Why should you know us?" Leia voiced our question.

Anakin looked at both of us strangely. "Because I am your father."

What?? No, no, that's impossible. Our father died. Beru and Owen told me that. On the other hand, it looks like they thought it as well. Why didn't he know about us? What happened? Ahsoka. Did Ahsoka know?

"Did you know?" I asked her.

"I knew you were his children. At first, I, too, thought he was dead. After I found out he is alive, I did my best to help him. He was injured, needed help."

"You could have told us," I said.

"I didn't know if he survives," Ahsoka replied and I fell silent. Leia did too. What good would it do to know we have a father if we would be to loose him again?

"Anakin? Would you mind grabbing our things from the ship? Just put them on the porch, we get them in later. I'll talk to them," Ahsoka said. "Let's go inside," she told us.

Once we were inside, Ahsoka started: "Listen. I need you to NOT mention Obi-wan or Ben Kenobi, got it? I told him I don't know where he is."

"Why?" Leia asked.

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