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Ahsoka's POV

I set course for Tatooine. If I want illegal jobs, that planet is one of the best places to go to. I checked the computer. Three hours till I reach Tatooine. I headed for fresher. Once I stood under the stream of hot water, I started to relax and think. About everything that happened in not even two months. I had to take care of and train Luke and Leia. I found out they were Anakin's and Padmé's children. Still, the revelation Anakin was alive, but turned into a monster, affected me the most. He was like a brother to me. And he still is. I still care about him. If he would choose to abandon the darkside I would do everything in my power to help him. If he would let me. If he could forgive me for leaving him. If I could forgive him. How will Luke and Leia react when I tell them their father is alive? How will I explain why he didn't show up sooner? I guess I leave that to him. I don't know if he wants to tell them everything. I don't know what I would do in his place. They are so young, why tell them the whole truth? Especially if Anakin would be willing to let go of the darkness. I thought about possibility of him taking Luke and Leia and just leaving. But he knows how dangerous Emperor is. It would be foolish of him to take them anywhere else other than Mortis. He wants to keep them safe, that I know for sure. So he should stay on Mortis. With them. With me. I gave him second chance and can only hope he will give it to me as well.

I sighed as I exited from fresher, clothed and repainted my face-paint. I was Ashla again. A woman that spied for a growing rebellion. Someone I could be proud of. Could I be proud on Ahsoka? Who was she? A fallen Jedi? A traitor? A child thrown into a war, told to fight alongside even younger men a someone just a few years older that her. She grew to adore all of them. Her men were also her brothers. But her relationship with them was another kind of brotherhood. She couldn't explain why it felt different. It just did. But she lost them all and now is just a reflection of herself.

That is what happened. I cannot change the past, but I can make a better future. For me, for Luke and Leia and for Anakin. I am positive he is in Vader, or else he wouldn't care for the children. He will never be the same, but he can let go of what's weighting him down. He can balance himself. I am sure of that. "I am also sure I need rest." I thought as I layed down and closed my eyes.

Darth Vader's POV

I still couldn't believe all of this has happened. Last night, I had noone. Now I have children. And an ally who is willing to lead me to them. I told myself I agreed to undergo the operation because of Luke and Leia. Because they would be scared of me if they see me in that suit. And while that is true, I am also relieved. No more pain. I thought back to the old times, when pain wasn't an ever-present feeling. It all felt unreal. Yet, it happened. But I have to be careful with my feelings. If Palpatine senses anything, he will know something has happened. I can't put my children in such a risk. I won't let anything happen to them.

Ahsoka's POV

I woke up to a sound of an alarm indicating the ship is about to exit from hyperspace. I walked in the cockpit and sure enough, the blue color of hyperspace disappeared. Through the window I saw a brownish rock. Tatooine. Time to get a job.

I landed the ship, made sure my face-paint is intact, my hood on and my lightsabers safely hidden. Then I walked out and made my way to the nearest cantina.

The inside of the cantina was suprisingly dark. From here, you couldn't tell if it was a night or day outside. I went straight to barman.

"I am looking for a job."

"I'm not looking for anyone."

"Oh, I am sure someone could use my services."

"What kind of job are you interested in?"

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