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Luke's POV

"Are you hungry?" was the first thing Ahsoka said after we entered hyperspace. I shook my head. I wasn't hungry. I was excited. Of course I'm going to miss my aunt and uncle, but I will finally be able to see a different planet! I looked at the other girl, Leia, as she said: "I am starving."

"I prepare you something. Don't touch anything." With that, Ahsoka left us in the cockpit.

I was curious about Leia. I always felt some kind of familiar presence, but could never put my finger to it. Aunt Beru said I have special powers from my father, but forbid me from telling anyone, even uncle Owen. She said he would be angry she told me anything. Uncle could sometimes get angry over small things, so I kept my mouth shut. Well, I didn't have to anymore.

"I always felt someone, just didn't know who it was. Now I do. It's you." She looked at me for a moment, then said: "Me too. I think Ahsoka knows something. I'll ask her when we will be eating." That was fine with me.

Ahsoka soon called us to eat. I wasn't really sure what the food was. It was some kind of pasta, but it was hollow. I couldn't really tell what from was the sauce made. I wanted to ask, but just then Leia started to ask questions, so I remained quiet and just listened.

"Luke said he could sometimes feel me, and I could feel him as well. Why?"

"Because you two share a natural bond, you are siblings." What?! Siblings? I looked at Leia. She was just as shocked as I was. She didn't look anything like me. Completely different hair, eye color, everything.

"Luke, what do you know about your father?"

I thought for a moment. "His name was Anakin Skywalker. He lived on Tatooine. That's about all."

"Your father's name was indeed Anakin Skywalker and he was native to Tatooine, but he left when he was 9. He left to become a Jedi." A Jedi? My father was a Jedi?

"So we are twins?" I asked.

"Yes. You were splitted apart at birth, so you could be protected from Emperor. You are force sensitive. The Emperor is, too. If you would remain together, he would sense you. You would shine in the Force too brightly."

"What's the Force?" I asked, just as Leia asked: "Can't he sense us now?"

"Well, your question has an easier answer, Leia. He can sense you. That is why we are going where we are going. That planet is safe. It's made of a Force itself. Of it's light. Emperor is full of darkness, he has no access to that planet. As for your question Luke, the Force is something that resides in all living beings. It connects us, binds everything together. But not everyone is able to feel it. Those that can are called force sensitive."

"Were the Jedi force sensitive? Did we get this from our father?" I asked.

"Yes and yes. The Jedi used only the light side of the Force, only light emotions. But there is another side to the Force. A dark side. Those that used it were called Sith, a natural enemy of the Jedi. The Emperor is a Sith lord. If he would get his hands on you, he would turn you to the dark side."

There was so much to explain and so much I still didn't understand. Ahsoka told us our mother died in childbirth and our father in the Jedi temple, during it's and Republic's fall. She was deeply saddened whenever she talker about our parents. She told me it was because our father was her master and our mother a great friend. She looked up to both of them. I was horrified to learn that Ahsoka joined the Clone war when she was only 13. She was just about to tell us how she met father, when an alarm rang. We were exiting hyperspace.

The planet, Mortis, as Ahsoka called it, was spectacular, beautiful and amazing. We landed on a huge meadow. The meadow ended with a big lake. I never saw so much water in my life! I turned around and there was a house. It wasn't big, but it wasn't like we needed a big house. Behind it was a forest. The sun shone brightly and I suddenly wanted nothing more, just to get a shower and sleep. Or no, not sleep, but think. Ahsoka took us in. We walked through the front door. There was a short lobby. On the left side I saw a living room. It even had a fireplace! Then I saw 2 armchairs, opposite of them a couch and a glass table in between them. Behind the living room was kitchen. It was simple and had table and four chairs. Ahsoka then showed us where we'll get if we take a right turn in the lobby. There were 2 bedrooms, each had it's own fresher. It was weird. Ahsoka didn't live here and when she was here, she was alone. Why 2 bedrooms? Why table with 4 chairs? I asked. She seemed to think about an answer, then she spoke:

"Force sensitives have to listen to the Force, to insticts. Have you ever done it? Did you do something, just because you felt it right, even when you didn't have a reason for it?"

Yes, I definitely did. It was something I never undestood.

"Yes." "Yes." Leia said as well.

"It's the Force. Listen to it. I listened. When I was building this house, I felt like I should make it the way it is. I didn't know why, but now I do."

I didn't know what to say to that. Luckily Leia jumped in: "I really have to sleep. I'm exhausted."

I wasn't, but layed down anyway. I needed to think.

Ahsoka's POV

I was dead tired. I didn't want nothing more then to sleep. But something kept me awake. I knew the only way to find out what it is, is to meditate. So I did. I felt the calm, the light, I could only feel here. It was beautiful, yet unsettling. Unbalanced. I knew we were safe, but what now? I told them everything I knew. I can't separate them, that would be dangerous now. I didn't want to do it anyway. We could stay here, yes, but for how long? I have to train them, that was one thing I knew for sure. But could I? Am I capable of it? Training not just one, but two very powerful children? Well, I had to be. There was noone else who could do it. My thoughts flew to Anakin. He, too, wasn't ready. Wasn't sure about himself. We had a rocky start because of his and my doubts, but we did it. We learned to work together, to enjoy each other's company, to care for each other. My eyes started to sting, as they always did when I was thinking about Anakin. I would trade all my tomorrows, for just one yesterday. But what about Luke's and Leia's tomorrows? Would you trade them too? That was exactly what Anakin would ask me. And the answer would be – no. I need to be strong for them. They are basically my niece and nephew. Yes, I don't yet know how, but I can do this. We can do this. For ourselves, for the galaxy, for Anakin and Padmé. 

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