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Luke's POV

I was so happy I was about to see my aunt and uncle again. I missed them sooo much. Ahsoka called them yesterday evening to ask if they could come look for us while she will be gone. Of course, I wasn't happy with her leaving, but was still glad I got to see my other family once again. Ahsoka left me and Leia alone on Mortis and left to retrieve them. They should be here anytime now. Me and Leia were eating lunch Ahsoka prepared for us. It was the meal we ate when we were on her ship for the first time together. I learned it's called spaghetti. I absolutely loved it. She said our father taught her how to cook it. It's probably silly, but it made the meal special for all of us. I told Leia about my life on Tatooine. About my aunt and uncle and my friends. She briefly talked about her home and family, but it was clear she wasn't ready for a real talk. I accepted that. It's not like I understood how she felt like. Suddenly, we heard ship's engines. They were here!

Leia's POV

We both heard ship's engines. Luke's face shone brightly as he ran out of the house and towards the ship. The ramp lowered and Ahsoka, Owen and Beru walked out. I was going to miss Ahsoka. Maybe I feel a little uncomfortable with her being gone. She was the one that always comforted me after a nightmare. Beru seemed like a nice and kind person and while I wasn't sure what to think about Owen, I knew he meant well and was a good person, too. Still, I wished Ahsoka didn't have to go. But I understood her. Her friend was injured, she needed to be there for him. A thought came into my mind. One I tried to suppress before. Are we a burden to her? She has to raise and train two children on her own. Is she relieved she can spent some time away? I wouldn't have it bad for her if she did. Luke's talking interrupted my thoughts.

"Aunt! Uncle! I'm so happy to see you! I missed you!" Luke jumped into Beru's and Owen's opened arms.

"We missed you, too, Luke." Owen said.

Beru looked at me and smiled. "Leia, it's good to see you again." I smiled and walked closer to them. She knelt in front of us and said: "We are going to have so much fun here. Ahsoka said she'll be gone for about a month."

"Yeah, you kids won't know what hit you. Beru already formulated a „game plan" as she likes to call it."

I smiled and nodded. They tried so hard. It felt nice. Aren't they technically my aunt and uncle, too?

I looked into Ahsoka's direction. She was just standing there, smiling slightly. Judging by the look on her face, she was at least a thousand light years away from here. I walked over to her and called out her name. She blinked and focused on me.

"I am going to miss you." I told her and felt tears sting in my eyes.

"Oh, Lei," she knelt, "I'm going to miss you too. Both of you." She looked at Luke who meanwhile walked over. I hugged her. Luke did as well. I knew a few tears spilled from my eyes. She pulled away and wiped them.

"Don't worry. With Beru's „game plan" you won't even notice me gone...I try to call in?" She added after I didn't react.

"Promise?" I asked.

"Promise." she replied.

After Ahsoka said her goodbye to Luke, Owen and Beru, she left. I watched as her ship flew further and further, until I couldn't see it anymore. I reached out into the Force and felt for her. I was thrilled when she reached back. And relieved. I couldn't tell why, but felt as if she was walking in a danger. Ahsoka said to trust our insticts. Did she feel it too? Maybe I should have told her what I felt. But what if it was just my own worry? Well, it was too late now. I turned around and saw others already walked in. I followed them.

Ahsoka's POV

I put in the coordinates for Corellia. Over my few years of spying I stumbled on someone who could help. A Kaminoian scientist. His people were great at cloning. Many living proofs of it were still walking in this galaxy. Ever since Rex told me what happened to Fives, I coudn't help but loathe them...they knew about the inhibitor chips. And not just that, they knew what kind of purpose the chips were made for. Yet, they didn't care. Only went for money and power. As so many others. But if I wanted to know if replacing Anakin's limbs, internal organs and skin is possible, he was my best bet. He was willing to do anything for a right price. I sighed. There were cca 6 hours left till I reach Corellia. Better put my face-paint on. I went to fresher and started my work. I became an expert on it. I continued my musing. This was such a long shot. Even if this procedure would be possible, I needed credits for it. I didn't dare to think how many illegal jobs I would need to take in order to raise enough of them. Then, I needed to find Darth Vader, convince him not to kill me and hear me out. Should I reveal who I am? Maybe he would really listen to me...and maybe not. One step at a time. First, I need to find the scientist. By the time I finished putting my mask on, there were still 5 and half hours left. I set an alarm and decided to get some rest.

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