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Darth Vader's POV

I was in my castle on Mustafar, in a chamber where I could put off that cursed mask. I hated this place, that is why I always came back here. To remember Kenobi. What he did to me. He is alive, somewhere out there and I will find him. I will make him regret he didn't kill me all those years ago. Instead, he opted for a solution easier for him. One that didn't make him take responsibility for my supposed death. He wanted me to burn. And I did. As he will, when I find him. I will make him feel what I have felt. His screams and pleas will not matter. Like mine didn't. He betrayed me. Like everyone else did. The Republic saw me only as a poster boy. For the Jedi Order I was nothing more that a pawn. Padmé...I gave her everything, sacrificied everything. Yet, she rejected me. Like I was nothing more that a misbehaving child. She refused to believe her precious Republic could be gone. But it is. Just as she is. And it's your fault. She could have go with me. We could have raised our child. That's what she wanted you to do. To come away with her. But you didn't. You wanted power. Power to save her. Yet you were the one that killed her. Her and the child. I growled in annoyance and stopped thinking about her altogether. It is useless. She is gone, everyone is. Maybe not everyone. I found her lightsaber. The only more direct proof of her death would be a body. She is gone. That may be what she wants you to think. What she wants the Empire to think. She could be...NO! Ahsoka is gone. Everyone is gone. Either dead or against me. Holding out hope doesn't serve any meaning.

There's always hope.

My eyes snapped open. I was used to hearing another voice in my head. But this one...this one was different. It sounded feminine, and familiar. I felt a person's force signature just outside of my shields, asking for a permission to enter. While it was surprising, it wasn't that that shocked me. The presence used a link I didn't reach for anymore. Why would I, when the person on the other side was dead? But I knew this presence and voice. Would recognize them anywhere. How could it be? How could she survive? I closed my eyes and let her in.

I felt a familiar warmth pour into me. Her presence always served me as a torch, lightning the way during battles I could never forget. I sensed my surroundings change. I didn't see to what, but I knew where she was. In my mind's eye I saw coordinates. She wanted to meet. Was it a trap? She is surely against the Empire. Against me. Is that why she revived our bond? To lure me in? I cut our connection abruptly. I wouldn't fall for this. If she managed to contact me, she had to know what I have become. How? Did she know about Kenobi? Did he tell her? She could tell me where he is. Not voluntarily, I suppose. But I get it out of her. One way or another.

I put my suit back on and exited the chamber. I walked for my ship, flew into the space and put in the coordinates I saw. The computer calculated jump and then I saw the blueish tunnel of hyperspace all around me. I may finally find out where Kenobi is and make him pay for what he had done. What if she doesn't know? What if she truly wants to speak with you? Well, then I will give her chance. Join me...or die.

Please, don't leave me too.

Ahsoka's POV

My heart shattered when I heard his plea. From the moment he let me in I was enveloped in a dark storm of anger, hate, pain, fear, grief and regret. But through this storm shone rays of light. I felt Anakin of off them. He was still there. I could save him. At least physically. If I won't be enough for him to abandon the darkside, I am sure Luke and Leia will be. I have made my choice. I'll tell him about them. I need to show him he can trust me. Now the only thing I can do is to remain here and wait for him.

Darth Vader's POV

I exited the hyperspace and flew towards the planet. It was uninhabited, so it was easy to pinpoint a location of a single ship emitting a larger energy print. I landed my ship beside the one that already stood on the surface. I got out off the ship. I didn't see her yet, but felt her. I countinued walking till I came to the edge of a forest. There I saw a small clearing with a waterfall and a lake. And a Togruta, sitting cross-legged by it. I didn't feel any warning coming from the Force, but was still catious. I knew she sensed and heard me, yet she didn't move. I walked up to her and stayed there. She didn't open her eyes, moved nor said anything. I decided to mirror her position by sitting across from her, too cross-legged. She opened her eyes and looked at me. It wasn't a look I expected. I was waiting for an immense anger, hate, fear, maybe regret coming from her. But that wasn't the case. These emotions were there, but they weren't the strongest. I saw relief. She still didn't say anything. And she didn't have to. Now I was certain this wasn't a trap.

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