ending note.

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i miss this book so much it hurts.

today marks one year from the day hunt was first published, although it feels like only seconds have passed since. the amount of support i have gotten for it...the amount of love, the amount of hate, the amount of raw, real emotion i have managed to evoke through my amateur writing is something i can only hope to achieve again.

i thought i'd be able to let it go. finish the last chapter and turn the last page, close the book forever.

but i can't.

yup. i already miss it. it feels like there's a rushverse-shaped hole in my heart and whenever i try to breathe it feels hollow and wrong. these books became a part of me, these characters grew with me for two years and i can't seem to be able to let them go.

i just can't do it.

so i won't.

i'll be starting out on the second drafts very soon. like, really soon. the rushverse has become a coping mechanism to me, a twisted world which can contain my twisted emotions the way the real world cannot. it's become my sanctuary, and until i find a spot to breathe better and grow easier i won't be able to let it go.

very soon, in at least a few months' or weeks' time, i'll be publishing the second draft for a thoroughly-edited rush. but i need your help to do it. i want to do this series justice, i want to perfect every detail and every character and i can't do it myself. you'll have to help me.

so please, feel free to unload your emotional baggage about everyone and everything right here. who was your favorite character? least favorite? the moment you felt was the most emotional? most badass?

i need a college essay, people, i need the TINIEST details down here so i can make the rushverse a real world. truly perfect. if you want to write extended fanfics about these books, express your emotions through art, do literally anything that will help me understand, do it. i'm counting on you.

this isn't over yet.

(it will never be.)

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