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In school the next day, a huge fight broke out among the Mighty Ducks team as they all were arguing about what to do about their season now.

"Atoms away!" Averman called out and they all began throwing the balls and science stuff everywhere, as they all began to wrestle, and smack each other around hard.

"My atoms! Stop all of this madness, at once!" The science teacher shouted but no one was listening, to him at all, not even Sierra, who was normally, in a bind.

"In your seats, now! What have you got to say for yourselves?!" Principal shrieked at them.

Then, suddenly, Sierra quacked quietly and everyone looked at her and Charlie quacked as well. Then all of the Ducks began to quack as well.

It was a mass of kids quacking in the classroom now and the Principal in a rage, had given them all detention for quacking at her.

"I will not quack at the Principal."

The entire team was writing it on the chalkboards and then suddenly they'd stop, when they saw that Bombay was in the room now with them.

"Peter, what do you say?" Coach Bombay asked and they all looked at Peter who smiled at them all.

"Well, I guess it would help if we practiced a little first." Peter admitted and Sierra smiled.

"All right, let's see if I can just get you all out of your detentions." Coach said with a grin, as he looked, around their room. "You really quacked at the Principal?" He asked and they all laughed and Sierra nodded slightly.

"Hell yeah we did. After all, we wouldn't be the Mighty Ducks if we didn't... right?" She asked and he laughed at her.

"Are we Ducks, or what?!" Coach Bombay called out with a wide smile on his face and everyone punched the air with laughter and cheers on their faces.

They were all pulling on their jerseys and then when everything went dead quiet, Sierra stood up when Adam had walked in.

"Hey. I wasn't sure if you would show up." Coach Bombay said, and clapping him on the shoulder gently.

"Yeah, whatever. I just want to play hockey." Adam said, his eyes moving to Sierra, who shakes her head at the tension in the room.

"Welcome to the team." She stuck out her hand to him as she spoke and he'd shake it quickly.

"He's a cake-eater, why are you welcoming him?!" Jesse exploded at her and she spun quickly to face him with a sharp whistle comin' out of her mouth.

"Would it be any different if I had been the one on the Hawks coming over to the Ducks instead of him?" She asked and everyone had gone through the shock of it, as she picked up her helmet and stick, with a shake of her head.

"He's one of us now. He's a Mighty Duck and a damn good player. We're lucky to have him." She says coldly to the rest of her team, who was used to it by now, the cold hearted robot.

They all walked out, leaving Sierra facing Adam and he looked at her. "It was your brother, right? The one who tried to welcome me?" He askes as she nodded at him.

"You're one of us now Adam, don't let Jesse get to you. You are a good player and we do need you." She said, and he nods at her.

"Thanks for the pep talk. Now I'd better get changed." He said and she nods, and walked out of the room, as she walked out onto the ice.

"Way to go." Sierra said as she skated over to Adam who had scored the 1st goal this game.

Then they were all celebrating like crazy because they had made it into the playoffs, going against the Hawks in the finals.

"Yes!" Sierra calls, pumping her fist into the air as she jogged off of the ice with a bright smile.

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