Chapter 4

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The night was still young but Kaine could not wait any longer. He felt famished, he didn't know such a feeling existed ever. He the inn at midnight after Delilah had dosed off. He had tried to get rid if her but his attempts were all in vain. She couldn't help but to think about how adorable her stubborn nature came off as. She had an innocent and naive blonde look. Agreeing with the person that came up with the theory of all blondes being shallow, he stopped at the habitant of his prey. He prayed for self control as he transformed into his disguise.
He approached the houses towards the outskirts of the town thinking they would make a safer target. The house was secluded, the usual setting with a barn a few metres away. His disguise edged closer floating in the air as it made for the window, he noticed it to be locked which could hinder his dinner he makes rounds about the house till he notices a man enter through the back door. After making sure no one was in close view, he slides his way into the house.

'Have you had the rumours making it in town.' the lady of the house speaks up as she nears the sitting room. This piece of information acted as sort of cue for Kaine to get going. He channelled his inner energy and focused on the whole family at once. He could immediately feel his body gain up on the energy.

'About that we should be extra careful now days, ....Amon did you lock all the doors properly.' the man turned towards his eldest son.

'let me check again.' he stood making his way to the back door just as Kaine made his way to the out to. The boy thought he had seen something but was quick to dismiss it.
Kaine continued his such for another prey, he needed to refill till he couldn't take it anymore which was obviously impossible. He saw a little cabin in the woods a fee metres from the previous house, orange light lit through the window making it easily seen in this darkness.

'Paul, be a good boy and enter now.' the man told his German sherpad that was black as he night. The air outside was cold and the wind whistled against the trees.

'Pauull.....' the man warned as hr looked at the dog and then pointed at the door. The dog barked in return and wiggled its tail as it entered the house. The man finally looked suspiciously outside focusing directly on Kaine though he couldn't probably see him. He then entered his house placing the door behind him. Kaine waited a few minutes before he made it to the window.

'This is my last today.' Kaine thought as he got closer to the window. His senses became hyper aware all over a sudden when he turned to look up the window to find the man looking straight at him.


He ran as fast as he can keeping on his disguise, when the hunter becomes the hunted.The man had screamed on top of his lungs, he had tried to make him forget but it seemed not to work for reasons he couldn't comprehend so far. There was a mob behind him, how fast they came together he couldn't tell. They lit fires that enabled them to see where they were heading and their held spears and all sorts of things they thought could help.
He rans faster and eventually loses them. As he continues he falls into a trap.

'The trap.' someone yells from a distance. His disguise makes its entire body misty like, making it able to escape through the clutches that came of the trees that looked like gigantic mouse traps. He then floated from it and turned back to his real form and ran off.

'There is nothing here.' one of the men holding a stick of fire shouts.


'Where were you?' Delilah who was pacing around the tiny room asked looking crossly at Kaine who had just opened the door.

'Ahhh.. For a walk.' he stated.He wondered why she was acting all concerned but decided against speaking rudely at her. She seemed like a sweet innocent girl. His shirt was torn as a result of the trap and blood oozed from most places on his bosom.

'Let me help you nurse your wounds.' she offered. Kaine raises an eye brow at her but she ignored it and went ahead to went a yowl from the showers.

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