Chapter 8

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Kaine sat alone in the dungeon cell, hearing sounds of rats making their way around the area and bats flapping their wings in the dark was his new found hobby. He sat knees bent towards his chin as he leaned his back to the concrete wall that was filled with rat poo ....or may be it was human poo
He didn't know and at this point he didn't care. His aura had depleted since he hand fed off the people's souls in what seemed like forever. He sat there reminiscing a time where his brothers and he ruled the premises without fear. The supernatural world belonged to them, handed over from ancestors to ancestors for centuries or so until the fateful day that turned the tables against them.


One day when Kaine was in their reknown mansion, it was a sight for most creatures. The thirty bedroom palace was full of life that day. He strolled down the aisle on the black carpet that was laid down the stairs. He then saw a sight he sore not to forget. Dre walked through the front door, his black slacks and t-shirt rugged. He had stains of blood all over his body as if he was a butcher. That's when he understood that one can never hide who they really are, even when you try so hard.

'What happened?' Kaine squinted his eyes at his brother who started climbing the stairs. Dre turned and looked at Kaine then place himself down on the step.

'I couldn't stop it,... I couldn't stop myself.' he muttered. 'It all happened to first.' hr saw d looking straight into blank space.

'Okay, just start from the beginning.'Kaine asked.

'Was in my usual hunt, it was a normal family. I didn't think to use a disguise since it was at night. But then I kept feeding off them as I stood a fee feet from them.... then..then they exploded... right in front of me.' He narrated as if he was in trance, being hypnotized by a memory he would have to live with the rest of his life.

'Hey. ..hey its okay, we shall find a way through this.' Kaine consoled his older brother.

'Or may be not.' Patrick's voice came through. He stood at the entrance in his usual grey tee and sweatpants holding a white envelope in his right hand.

The guild already know about our brother's little party last night.' he said making his way towards them handing Kaine the piece of paper.

'We can deal it out with the vampires, second in command.' Kaine persisted. They both turned to look at their brother.


Kaine never liked the vampire premises. Their quarter were always too queer for his liking, but he had no choice than to be here to make a deal with the devil itself.

'I can't lie that its a pleasure seeing you here under the on going circumstances.' Colton said making his way down the white pearly stairs that had a red carpet at the centre.

'We are here to make a deal.' Elijah replied. He stood at the end of the never ending staircase with Kaine hands akimbo.

'What could the Kaine brothers have to offer when their elder brother has gone rogue.' Colton posed at the last step.

'we offer you what you always want, for our brothers safety.' Elijah said.

'Hmm, straight to the point , I like how you are working.' Colton said. 'forgive my manners though.' he said showing them to the sitting room.

'So what do you say, you become the leader of all the creatures and we live in piece, forgetting the incident that occurred.' Kaine said as he sat on the black leathered couch.

'Nice plan, but how sure am I that the guild seated will belong to me.' Colton asked.

'Unless you want a vote to be thrown on which creature will succeed the seater which I doubt would be you due to your unbearable guts.' Kaine burst, letting out all his fury since the event occurred. Elijah placed a warning arm on Kaine's knew.

'Colton.' Elijah started.'We both know you have no chance against the werewolves. They are the most level headed creatures second to us.' He explained.

'I accept.' Colton said standing from his seat. 'I will see what the guild will say about it.'

'Okay,... I will send you the letter appointing you in power then since I would be next in line but am sure a mutiny would arise which is the last thing I want.' Elijah explained as he too got to his feet.

'Huh,..honor, that's what will get you killed.' Colton chuckled as he observed Elijah as if he was some queer alien specie that had fallen from the sky.

'Atleast I have that, when everything is gone, I have something that will stay.' he explained as if it was the easiest thing that should be known.

'We shall see where your honor will get you.' with that, Colton made his way out I'd the house leaving the two brothers to see themselves out.


You what!!??' Dre tell when he got to know about the deal with Colton. He walked following Kaine who was trying to make for an escape.

'It was the only chance we had, unless you wanted to be excommunicated.' Kaine yelled back turning to face his elder brother.

'You don't think I know that, Elijah could have gone in my feet.' he said turning to seat on the arm of the chair nearby. 'I messed up, you would have let me suffer the consequences.'

'Hey, hey look at me.' Kaine cajoled his brother. 'this is what family does, they have each others backs.' he reassured. A smile tagged at Dre's lips as he stood up to hug his little brother.

'Awww, I didn't know Wycres too had bonding time.' Colton said as he strolled inside the Wycre household.'Looks like you've got something in common with the humans.'

'What do you want.' Dre growled through gritted teeth.

'Easy there big brother.' Colton mocked as he came closer. 'am just here to deliver a message.'

'Huh,.. So what now, your playing pigeon.' Dre chuckled earning a glare from Colton.

'The other guild members agree but they have a condition.' he states matter of factly.

'And what is that.?' Kaine asks.

'You wont feed for a fortnight.' he says without beating about the bush.

'Whattttt!!!?' Dre was the first to react.'yiu have got to be shitting me.' He yells

'Nope, am not.' Colton replies his kips twitch to release a smirk. 'I will shoe myself to the door now.'

'Hey, calm down. Remember we are in this together.' Kaine said looking at Dre straight in the eye. He had never seen his brother this messed up. He guessed that the Wycre demons caught up on each of them. You could never run away from yourself.


A week had passed since Colton's visit. Everyone was low on energy except for the workers.Most of them stayed in their rooms all time but not today. Patrick was coming back from Washington. After the helps made them dinner, they left earlier than usual. The door opened and the ashe blonde six foot Wycre appeared.

'His here' Kaine said heading for the door. He gave him a hug and dragged him to the sitting room where every one waited.

'Is this a welcome party the Wycre way or..' Patrick said placing his brown leathered brief case on the table and folding his sleeves if his professional shirt.

'We need to tell you something' Dre started when a loud bang was had outside. The four Wycres all rushed to the door.

'What the....' Patrick wondered before he screamed. 'Its a trap!!!' The outside terrace was full of vampires and three witches. They didn't have power to fight an army of vampires and mad witches l, may be for Patrick but hr was just a one man army, it wouldn't count. They headed straight for their secret escape route as they heard muffled noises behind them.

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