Chapter 7

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Hey, hurry up before anyone gets up.' Delilah whispers as they tiptoe away from the room. Down stairs they go when Kaine accidentally steps on a broken piece of wood. A loud crack goes through the room. They all become still for an instant. Kaine holds his breath as if it would give him off. He sees through the corner of his eye Delilah motioning him to move
He looks around in a haste and follows obediently. They reach out and a cold wave engulfs him. It was six in the morning but the birds were quiet in the trees which came up off as odd to him but kept it at the back of his mind.

'Why did you stop?'  Kaine voiced his thoughts.

'No reason, just waiting for some one to pick us up.'  she said avoiding his eyes. Kaine's gut feeling got the best if him when he started moving backwards but stopped in his tracks when he noticed movements near the trees. Swift movements land in front of him as to vampires access him. Hr looks startled for a moment before he shoots off to the sky, Hus attempts are futile when he hits a dome that colours before becoming invisible again as he falls to the ground. He lands butt hard before a black witch who looks at him disgustedly, hr in turn peers up at her with a small stubborn smile.

'Looks like am trapped.' hr SATs getting up and dusting his bottom, his black jeans showing evidence of his fall. Behind the black witch whom Kaine recognizes as Gwen Sherold,a descendant of the most powerful bloodline of witches is Zack, in his original form, head of shape shifters.

'I see Colton  that you came well armed.' Kaine addresses one of the vampires. 'You can't make it in your own without your little puppets I see.' he continues. With this, Colton sends off a coldness the same time Gwen's nostrils flare. At the corner of his eyes, he sees Delilah make her way to the guild, bowing her head while at it.
'Okay, this is not funny.' he thought as he continued watching her as a hawk does its prey.

'Father.' Delilah's voice breaks the silence as she talks to Zack. Sgr walks to him whilst changing her form. The innocent blonde with doe eyes is replaced with a beautiful.. vixen with black hair.

'Diane, good job.' Zack says patting her on the back.

'Thank you father.' she replies in a small voice. Upon all that transpired, Kaine knew he would be able to tell a tale of betrayal.


Gwen chants a few times and a circular portal appears. The wind around the area intensifies as the witch makes her was through the point.

'After you Kaine Dokovic.' Colton said in mick respect putting his right arm forward dramatically in attempt to shoe him the path. Kaine let's out an exasperated huff as he follows Gwen knowing full well he wasn't in great shape to put up a fight due to the changes happening happening to his body in the past month all thanks to Delilah, or.... may be Diane. When he jumped through the portal, he looked back to see the others follow tight behind him.


Kaine spent the last two days locked up in a dungeon. 'Wji owns a dungeon in this era.' he had thought. He was led to his new home by two chalky pale creatures as he liked to refer to him. It was jet black when he first arrived, but when his eyes adjusted the surrounding, he noticed a few bats high up near the ceiling looking at him. Some took it as far as to sway in front of him as a sort of a welcome.
Now he was standing in front of the guild committee of the super natural creatures. Hands behind him, he looked around the familiar area, everything was the same except for the Wycre symbol that was no longer in view at the main seater area, noe replaced by the blood sucking fangs he had come to loathe. All raised when Colton made his way to take the main seat, dressed in black. His half brother , Nate remained standing at his right.

'Subject one before the guild.' a voice boomed out of no where. ' Charges treason, massive murder.' the voice continued. After what seemed like forever, Colton decided to speak up.

.'I must say, I am kind of disappointed in you subject one' his annoyingly calm voice cut through the silence as his annoying smooth features focused in Kaine from where he sat.

'Point of correction, first my name is Kaine and secondly, I don't give a rat's ass whether your proud or disappointed in me.' Kaine rambled.

'Subject one, it's been two months now and you are already in my hands.' Colton continued ignoring Kaine's out burst. Before he could proceed, a young Lady came rushing in, she whispered to the vampire standing a few feet from me. Kaine flexed his auditory senses to tap what was being delivered. He caught something about subject 2 and 3. In a flash, the vampire was in front of Colton delivering the message. His smooth pale handsome features creased and a loud  voice reverberated 'Adjourned'. Everyone started murmuring since the meeting had hardly started. Cold, deathly cold hands t gripped Kaine from behind forcing him a back to his cell. He obliged but with a troubled mind, obviously subject two and three  were his brothers but the real question was , what happened? Had they been captured too!

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