Chapter 6

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' ha ha ha ha, you're really funny.' Delilah laughs putting a hand in her mouth to control her laughter.

'You think so,' Kaine asked looking at her amusedly. Delilah noded in reply. 'then you can come with me hunting for game.' he asked and noted how that sounded no right.

'Are you asking me out on a date Kaine Dokovic.' Delilah batted her eyelids and smiled teasingly at him. 'Now this girl was something' he thought.

'If you consider a sight of a blooded animal date worthy then well it is a date.' he retorted as he opened the dish she had brought him.

'Okay then, I will let you eat your food in one piece.' she said getting up from the wooden chair across the room.

'So about our date.' Kaine wandered as he put emphasis and air quotes on the last word.

'I will be around when you need, I think you know where to find me.' she said before winking at him and exiting the room. He smiled and couldn't help but wonder if going hunting with her was dangerous given the circumstances they first met in.


It came straight for him, no qualms no nothing. It looked just like him but some thing inside him told him not to let his guard down. He was in a place he didn't know. The air was hit on his skin, it couldn't be a sauna. He hated those places, being confined was not in his list of hobbies His focus became clearer, he was in a desert how he got there he couldn't guess. He had need been in a desert all his life since he grew up surrounded by trees. His replica brought him out of his bonding with the new environment. He slithered towards him, and with each movements, he noticed the differences that couldn't be missed. The replica was pale, ashy pale, he could make the snow jealous of his white skin. And then what he feared most came, the teeth were a sight. The fangs couldn't be missed and then blood was gushing out if his mouth like a water fall...

A knock on the door saved Kaine from his nightmare, he woke up with sweat all over his body. He cursed as he made his way for the door and opened for his guest.

'Are you fine.' Delilah who had just entered asked concern creasing her brows with worry.

'Yea am good.' he said closing the behind him. He noticed Delilah holding two rifles with her. He raised his eye brows in question.

'Don't tell me you have already forgotten.' she asked with a little pout forming at the bottom of her lip.

'Nope, of course not he said remembering the hunting date.' he said opening his closet. 'I will just change my shirt and we get going.' he assured her pulling his shirt up his head.

'I didn't know you are the tattoo kind.' Delilah says caressing the tattoo on Kaine's back with her eyes. It was exactly where the neck ended and back started.

'I can surprise you more if you let me .' Kaine said wearing a clean black shirt and making his way to the door. 'shall we?' he said managing to putting one of his signature smiles.


They reached the middle of the woods walking at a normal place as Delilah told him stories about their town and what happened there and here. He had an eerie feeling he could not shake off as if he was being followed but continued walking nevertheless.

'So i think we shall have to wait a little longer.' Kaine said looking at Delilah who sat on a tree trunk.

'Yea, it looks like the game was warned of our arrival.' Delilah attempted at a joke. Then an awkward silence filled the air before Kaine spoke up.

'Look Delilah..' Kaine said at the same time Delilah said.'Kaine....'

'You go first.' Delilah offered a small smile tugging at her lips.

'I just wanted to say that am grateful for what you did for me, you didn't have to but you still did. I want you to know that it means a lot to me.' he rapped catching his breathe at the last word.

'You don't had to thank me,' Delilah said. 'That's what friends are for.' Before Kaine could say anything else. Delilah whispered.

'Look' there was joy in her voice.

'shhh.' Kaine shooed her as he positioned himself and his gun towards the deer that came straying their direction. Before Kaine could place a perfect shot, he noticed movements at the corner of his eye. The man from the night if his hunt, Dante, had been following him around. His suspicions were right after all, just that before they could have done better. Some thing was definitely wrong with him.

'Its getting away.' Delilah whispered and as if on cue he pressed the trigger and the deer fell down dead. The bullet hit it in the neck living no room for it to survive.

'Delilah, I need a favour.' he said turning around.

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