Chapter 5

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The wounds from last night healed over night.  He woke up as good as new. Delilah was not around when he got up so he decided to take a shower before he went jogging. He felt fresh and energized as he put in his tracksuit and left his room.

'Aren't you having breakfast.' Linnet called out as Kaine existed the door.

'Later. ' he shouted. He ran slowly trying to pick up the pace. He hadn't yet seen Delilah anywhere which got him a tad bit worried. He looked around the town folks but in vain. He picked momentum and  sprinted off going to his favourite part of the town . he passed the woods on the narrow path that led to the stream. He breathed in the cool air that hit his face as he ran. Noting how people were all about their chores. The women held their children as their headed to the market. After sometime, he decided to go back. Making a u turn, he jogged back to the inn. On his way back, he noticed a mob gathered near the inn which made him stop in his feet.

'He's here.' he heard one of them say as he closed in. He tried to walk away from them but it was too late as they crowded him, blocking his path and all possible paths he could think of. He was doomed, that what he first thought but later he knew they couldn't do anything to a Wycre.

'Sir, we will require you to come with us.' one of the men who approached him a said.

'What, is this some sort of village police.' he asked, then he noticed at the corner of his eyes Delilah for the first time since last nights events. His heart thumped in his chest. Not that she looked beautiful, her blonde hair was wavy and she wore a pretty petite red dress but because she might know of his secret. Then she shook her head as if to warn him not to do anything stupid.

They took him to the towns church house. It was a huge old building, one you could tell was built decades ago but he was not impressed in the list since he had seen better.


Inside the church, there was a group of people. He noticed the altar was medium and decorated with fresh leaves and flowers. He thought that may be the parish priest loved nature. Then he notices other people secluded from the rest, about twenty. He is pushed to join then on the bench they sat.

'Hey Dante, ' a tall man with carrot hair calls, his voice thick with a Scottish accent. Then another man made his way from the crowd. Kai e recognised him from last night but was confident he wouldn't recognise him.

'Do you see anyone familiar here.' the man asked Dante who looked around in attempt to see a familiar face. Kaine couldn't help but chuckle inwardly at his futile attempt.

'Its him.' Kaine had Dante say and his heart stopped for a while and he raised his head to see who the man was pointing at.


It was him. The Dante bastard was pointing at him.'But how come,... my disguise was fully on' Dante thought as the murmur in the church house increased.

'But you said it was a woman's figure.' a woman from the crowd voiced. Another murmur erupted at that new found piece of information.

'I can tell it's him.' Dante said turning to fave the crowd. 'there was something about that creature, it had a woman's upper body but had a ghosts lower part.' he said his tone all reflective but it had an edge of fear to it which made Kaine smile from his seat. He hadn't yet said anything to defend himself but sat to watch the drama unfold before he took matters in his own hands.

'But that doesn't answer her question.' another man said, his tone getting bored.

'That woman was like a mask, but beneath her lay this man.' Dante said theatrically turning to point at Dante. The crowd seemed not to believe him then Kaine decided to make them forget this whole ordeal. He closed his eyes and channelled his inner power to the whole group, going back through the events as they started to occur. He then opened his eyes but everyone was still there. Nothing hard changed and they still argued about the creature. Dante looked at him suspiciously, that's when he knew his powers were diminishing and things were going out of hand.


He panicked. He didn't think there was anything big the humans could do to hurt him buy having his powers on leave had him hyperventilating. He saw a path way being created through the crowd and waited to see who was coming. Delilah! 'What is she doing hear.?' he thought.

'He was with me the whole of last night.' she said ,he voice pitching high so that the whole crowd could hear her well. Kaine had never thought he would be so happy to see some one his whole life, but today he was.

'Are you sure of what you are saying miss' a man who led this whole ordeal asked.

'Affirmative, you can ask my mother Linnet at the bed and breakfast. She told me to nurse him last night since he refused to see a doctor and we feared he might die from one of our rooms.'  Delilah lied eloquently. Kaine had never thought she was capable of such since she seemed so innocent to even hurts fly. The crowd started to disperse off one by one since there didn't seem to be any positive out come from their meeting.

'We are sorry, sir.' the man apologized to Kaine who nodded in response and led away Delilah from the church premises. They walked in comfortable silence for a period of what seemed like forever.

'Why did you save me back there.' Kaine asked Delilah.

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