Chapter 2

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The Wycres have a strong blood lineage, old as mankind, just as Kaine's grandfather had told him. Descendants of Cain, yes that Cain from that book you all read from every Sunday.
Kaine thought of that old Cherokee saying about the two wolves in us. What you feed is what you become. Well for generations, the Wycre fed the wrong wolf I cut the long story short. May be it was inevitable from the start but that didn't stop Kaine to act out on the small part of humanity he still had. It didn't stop him from helping out the young girl who needed his help.

'Thanks for saving her.' Linnet thanked Kaine as she examined her bleeding leg. She had acquired a cut a few inches above her ankle.

'There was nothing to save her from, it was just a deer, nothing dangerous.' he chuckled looking at the lady she had helped. It seemed to him that Linnet pampered her a lot.

'You know I warned you against wondering into the woods.' the old woman scolded her daughter.

'But mother..' Kaine heard the girl start her reply before he stood to take camouflage in his room.


He enjoyed the run, but he enjoyed the chase more. It brought him a fulfilment that not even sucking a soul out of some one could bring. He met his prey while on an evening walk, he could smell that he was human. Humans were the only dumb creatures who would walk past eight. May be its because they thought they were safe unlike back in his home town. He was stout and about five feet five and Kaine wondered how a man can be that short as he observed behind a tree thankful that thus town had a thing for nature. His prey staggered forward his direction when Kaine decided he had to take action.

He summoned his disguise, a woman with long black hair that shape a diamond face well, she fair complexion with narrow shoulders and a firm around bust. But other than that, there was nothing more. You stopped admiring at the waist since there was only misty substance like a ghost. That's what Kaine liked most, the surprise or may be shock it gave to his prey before they try to make a run for it.

'Hey handsome.' Kaine's disguise purred at the stranger who had appeared closer to him.

'Ahh...oh.' the man shook his head to clear off the alcohol that must have gone to his head.

'Yes .oh..' Kaine's disguise smiled sexily at the man floating closer to him.

'I think am in heaven.' the man smiled checking her out until went past her waist and his smile faded off his face.

'What the hell!!! ' he exclaimed with a start though it was to late. The lady's eyes turned into black slits reminding the man of a snake and Kaine channeled his energy towards the man, he would just take a little of his soul just like last night and erase his memory of the whole event. But this time round it felt so good, he savoured the moment with all his might, relinquishing in it every second.


The rays stole their way through the beige curtains at the window.
Kaine lay on top of his grey duvet, he had not bothered to change into sleep clothes last night. A knock on the door gets him out of his slumber. He squints his eyes as hr adjusts to the light.

'Yess!' he replies muffling a yawn with the back of his right arm as he makes his way to the door. He catches a whiff of human blood as he opens the door.

'Good morning.' Delilah greets with a smile. She's holding a tray of breakfast and she strides towards the night stand to place it there.

'Morning and thank you.' he says to Delilah's retreating back. She closes the door behind her and he makes his way for the shower deciding to eat after he feels clean and fresh. In the shower, he notices his shirt and pants stained with dry blood before he takes them off and prays that Delilah shouldn't have noticed since his choice of color in cloth should serve to his advantage.


As he made his way down after break fast,  he noticed the room was crowded more than usual.

'Hey there.' Linnet greets gleefully.

'What's going on?' Kaine asks as he takes a seat at the counter.

'Haven't you heard about the man found dead last night.' she asks cleaning away the coffee that had spilt on the counter.

'What... Where?' Kaine wondered whether its the the same man he encountered last night though hr can't seem to recall the events eelk enough.

'In the woods, a few metres from the town pub.' she explains. ' he was found with blood all over. They say that he exploded from within, not like bomb exploded though but his stomach was intestines only.' she elaborates

'Okay, looks like this town has more to it than the surface.' Kaine replies getting up from the stool.

'You can say that again.' Linnet smiles tight lipped.

'I think I should get going.' Kaine says and starts walking to the door. He receives the fresh air with both arms as it seemed he was suffocating when Linnet delivered the news. He was sure enough he had buried the body. He made a mistake of of not having enough self-control and killed the human but he was sure he buried him. Kaine knee he had to do some thing real fast here or things would get out of hand.

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