The One Where Amiyah Had Coffee

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Chapter 1

Hmmm nothing like a good cup of coffee to wake you up in the morning Amiyah thought to her self as she sipped the coffee she made watching the tv from in the kitchen.

"Right time for work", I said to no one but myself walking up the stairs of my apartment to my wardrobe to pick out an outfit. Flipping through my wardrobe I decide on a power suit cause why not and just as I'm about to head into the shower the bitch calls also know as my bestie Triniti

"Hey biiiiitchhhh" rolling my eyes "Bitch why you calling me at 7 in the morning"
" Uh cause I can and oh I'm staying at yo place tonight"
"Hm yea you got into another silly challenge with Tristan again, and let me guess what petty challenge did you start this time? Hm? That you can cope without him for a whole day?"
"HOW'D you know?"
"Telepathy, anyway hoe gotta go get ready for work see ya later bich"

Hanging up the phone I enter the bathroom and started the shower. Finishing up on my outfit ready for work with a little bit of Megan thee stallion playing in the background I decide to start heading out the door towards my car. I'm not really a car nerd but I love my chevy camaro SS I got it after my first successful photography for BLIND magazine was published, yes it was slightly impulsive but I use it all the time.

The car ride to work was uneventful apart from my slight concert singing along to everything is everything Lauryn Hill and a little bit of Queen B. Parking my car in car park I walk up the steps of my work looking up at the BLIND building still wondering how the bloody hell I made it here from a little London girl to the city that never sleeps. The sliding doors open as I enter the building towards the elevator trying to avoid Amy at all costs,

"Hi Amiyah!" Oh god for fuck sake I'm not interested ewwww stop looking up and down me, shit I wish I had telepathy or mind control or something to get her to stop looking at me like that. Thank my father upstairs for her not touching my fro this time.
"Hi Amy" awkwardly distracting myself with my phone seeing a message from Triniti asking what food I'm cooking tonight,
"Who's that?" Amy asked noticing the slight icy tone in her voice *mental eye roll* " Uh a friend"


Saved by the bell well elevator bell sound thank GOODNESS. I start heading in the direction of my office far away from Amy and her antics and getting straight to my office ready to start sending and replying to emails and sending my new photo cover for BLIND magazine to the editors outside my office. One of the editors kinda cute I don't know her name but she seems pretty sweet, but I guess it's always the sweet ones her are the devils in disguise. Stop thinking about Amiyah. Three boring hours I decide I'm gonna eat my noddles cause I'm starving, I start heading to the lunch room walking past the editors and designs offices on my way to the lunch room,

"Hey Em", I look up from the floor as I enter the lunch room to see Isabella eating some noddles, "Hey Bella" opening up the fridge to see my noddles not in the fridge, "Oh yeah sos girly kinda had your noodles" turning to Bella I give her a dirty look, "Look I'm sorry here have have this $20, it's just your noodles were liking speaking to me, 'bel BeLla EAT Me'". Looking her straight in the face with an unimpressed facial expression causing the editor guys on the other table Johnson and Chris to laugh, I looked at them and they shut up well tried as Chris snorted trying to conceal his laugh. I just shook my head, "And you didn't even stop her Jonno? Wow I feel portrayed I though we were friends Johnson"

And with that I left slightly laughing at myself for the stupidity of that situation and also Chris's snort cause that shit was funny. Heading down the elevator I crossed the street to Alejandros the coffee shop to get my lunch as I took my number after ordering headed to a table.

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