The One Where Amiyah Went To Laurens

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^^This isn't a Lauren Jauregui fic but this is supposed to be Lauren

"So how olds your son?" I ask Lauren with curiosity

"He's just turn 3 recently" Lauren said I picked up on the slight nervousness in her voice, maybe she's still trying to get comfortable with me after all we haven't really had a conversation that wasn't work related before plus we're in different departments at work so we barely talk to each other.

"Ahhh so he's out of the terrible twos faze" I say making Lauren giggle slightly "Yea I guess but he's very much a good little man honestly he's my rock, my world" Lauren wiped a slight tear and laugh a little.

"Guess that's how you could say I missed him"Lauren continued "So is he just you and him?" I ask hoping I didn't strike a touchy subject. "Always has, just been Valentino and I since the start" she's says looking at me as I thought of a million reasons why that could be. Did her boyfriend or husband die before Valentino was born? Or did she have a one night stand? Or maybe she just broke up with her husband or boyfriend before Valentino was born. I think she could see my puzzled expression and decide to speak up again

"I had Valentino through IVF with sperm and egg donors" she said ohh I thought so that's why it's just her and him because she used a sperm donor and did she say egg donor too? She must not be able to have her own I presume. I nodded my head at her confession

"Hmm I found that slight funny cause I noticed you and your son have the same eyes, I've seen you guys a few times at Alejandro's" I hoped I didn't sound like a stalk or creep but apparently not since she laughed a little and than said with a smile slightly still on her face
"I honestly don't know why I'm telling you all this I tend to not really discuss that subject but it must be because you've could a friendly face" I laugh slightly at her comment. We both in contentment and enjoyed the quiet it wasn't awkward silence it was a peaceful silence.

As we drove through to what a presumed was Lauren's neighbourhood feeling very at home with the neighbourhood even though I'm not from New York is seemed like a cosy place to live. Lauren told the Uber something and we came to a stop blue and white house with a crimson door. A white picket fence going around the front of the house with a few toys on the lawn and the garden was gorgeous. I couldn't see everything I could only see those things due to the porch light being on but I could tell the house would be wonderful in daylight. "Well this is me thank you Amiyah for taking me home and helping me I appreciate it, I'll see you at work okay?" I nod my head aand as we get to her door "Well I'll see you later Lauren hope you feel better now" she nods her head smiles as she opens the door and enters we say our goodbyes and I headed back to the Uber and headed back home.

After thanking the driver I stepped inside my apartment and couldn't wipe the goofy smile off my face we didn't talk about that much but I felt like I was learning more about Lauren and I liked that feeling. I headed to my draws and got out a pair of sweat pants and a singlet getting change into that and throwing my clothes in the hamper in my room as they smelt of alcohol and sweat. Stepping into the bathroom to wipe of my mascara to lazy and tired to deal with my hair I flopped under my bed covers and drifted off

Waking up to the sun shining into my room I looked at the window and thought of Lauren, and what she might be doing cooking breakfast or maybe watching tv. I get out of my daze when I realise how hungry I'am so I message Triniti and Tristan to see if they wanted to get breakfast at the three G cafe. Even if they have a hangover no one can resist a good brekkie burger at three G cafe. Whether they come or not I don't care I'm starving, heading into my draws I pick out a pair of jeans and a red off the shoulder crop top and head downstairs to the door.

The rest of my weekend was less eventful with me just binging shows on Netflix as I was unmotivated to do anything.

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