The One Where Amiyah Joins Them

21 3 0

^^reference for what Valentino looks like with tad more fro

Waking up I stretched a little and yawned checking my notifications and responding back before starting to get ready for work. Heading downstairs I decide to make myself some scrambled eggs on toast and playing a bit of music in the background to get me excited for the day. Music helps me get hyped for the day and energised to face the morons in the world.

After eating my breakfast I scrubbed up the pan and placed my mess in the dishwasher with the rest of last weekends plates and cutlery, heading up stairs to take a shower. Stepping into the with shower cap on I washed away the lazy weekend me making sure to get every inch so when I see Lauren and Valentino again I will seem decent.

Heading straight to Alejandro's after finishing up some of my work I started wonder what Lauren and Valentino did in there free time. I thought of her and Valentino playing in the front of their yard made me warm inside and a slight smile to appear on my face as I entered the lift. But it was quickly whipped off when I saw Lauren and was replaced with a blush. Wait hold a minute, me, blushing? This is weird, I should mention I never blush. She looked upon me and smiled slightly

"Hi" she said with a small smile blushing as she did which made me smile more
"Hi" I say going to her side as the elevator doors closed

"You going to Alejandro's?" I asked with a smile

"Yea I'am just picking up Val from daycare before I head there I always go there with him" She said with a smile her voice getting smaller as she said her last statement.

"Aww your a good Mum Lauren don't let anyone tell you different, god wish my mum was like you" I say making us both laugh she kept laughing a little more looking at me as she did I started to wonder if there was something on my face

"What? What's so funny, is there something on my face?" I ask looking upon her small giggling stature

"No it's just your accent I haven't heard an Australian accent in a few years it's really cute" ohhh I see what this is about know it's about my Australian/pommie accent.

"Ohh so you like my accent huh" She stops giggling a little and just smiles at me and nods a little slight with her head tilted down a tad. The elevator pinged and we both stepped out "So I'll see you and the little guy when you get back?" She nodded and smiled saying a little "See ya" and walked down the street as I headed across the street to Alejandro's. Walking in I headed over to who I had now learned was Daisy since she was the new waitress. Behind the counter she smiled at me and I repeat the gesture.

"Hey Amiyah what can I get for you today?" She asked with a smile,

"Could I please get a skim latte and JJ salad please" I said as she typed it into the register I held my card against the tap and waited for approval. I still have trauma from getting declined a lot when I was younger I laughed slightly at the memory even though it wasn't a happy one. Daisy handed me a number and I went over to my usual table waiting for the rest of my meal sipping my coffee went through my instagram feed and stories watching stories of people I haven't contacted in years.

"Hey" I turn to the voice already recognising it as Lauren's turning off my phone I give a smile to Lauren,

"Hey" I said giving her a smile looking down her arm to her hand that was linked with Valentino's little hand noticing he's eyes on me look up at my face and mostly my fro. " Hey little dude cool hair you got a afro too" I say to him giving him a wide smile knowing fully well that he doesn't necessarily understand what I'm saying but he gave a little smile as he was slightly behind Lauren's leg.

"Mind if we join you Amiyah?" Lauren said looking at me with her gorgeous sea green eyes before getting into my daze I flashed her a smile "Sure take a seat" I say pulling up a chair for Lauren and him. He was quite stable enough to sit up in his chair with a little assistance from Lauren and I. "Val this is Amiyah" Lauren says as she turns to him he looks up at me and I give him a smile and a little wave.

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