The One Where They Offically Met

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^^What Amiyah looks like

I awoke to the sound of my 6:00 alarm going off as today I was having my Friday run. I when through my draws to pick out my running gear and placed my nikes on and carefully when down the stairs past 'Triniti's room' as to not wake her. Triniti's not a morning person pushing that aside I made myself one of my protein shakes carefully trying to the use the blender as to not wake the beast. Finishing up half my shake I wrote a note for Triniti just incase she woke up early saying I'm on my morning run and with I locked up the house and start the bay run.

After I came back from my hour run it was now 7:26 as I checked my phone putting on the counter and headed up to the bathroom to take a shower cause I stank sis. Removing all my sweaty clothes and my glass I step into the running shower letting the spray of warm water relaxing my muscles, I hadn't had the chance to have my usual Friday runs due to my last big project I had with having me fly out to Milan. Which all and all was amazing I took Triniti and her boo with me and we kinda had a little holiday with it in my off days going to have spa treatments and all. Which contained of me mostly third wheeling but it wasn't so bad since they are both my besties.

Stepping out of the shower after washing myself I wrapped a towel around myself and went to pick out my work clothes today. I didn't necessarily have to go in today but I thought I might as well go in and catch up on a few more emails, otherwise I was pretty much done for the week. And I swear I get emails all the time with request for me come help take photos for literally anything you can think of. I may work for BLIND and the pay is good but sometimes I like to do I little side projects of mine cause why not. Stepping towards the mirror and at looking over red jumpsuit and black heels I decide I looked good, well I always looking good. Checking my hair to see if it's all in place and my slight make which just consist of mascara and lip gloss cause I wasn't in the mood for full make up and I decide I was go to go and set off to work.

Work was tiring and boring and left me in thought thinking about life but my train of thoughts was cut short by someone as and by someone I mean Isabella barging into my office.
"Hey Em wanna come to Kira's party well is not party but we're all going to the bar this evening, a few people from here were invited like Jonno and Chris and some others. Ohh and Kira said sorry she got send a message about it her phones still broken"

A laugh slight cause Kira has had her phone broken a million time's, " So she still hasn't gone and bought another?"

"No she's been to busy with work and stuff"

"So had did she tell you about this party?" I ask knowing fully well that Kira's email is stuffed after she forget the password yet again and has no way of telling people about her party.

"Oh I saw her at drug store yesterday and she ask me to tell you and the others about it"

"Yeah yeah okay I'll be there when's this party?"

"Tonight see ya then girly!!!" She said as she exited my office with glee, my god I swear Bella is happy about everything a laugh to myself thinking back to the time when we all went to the strip club for Jazzy's party and how Bella reacted. A story for another time.

After and hour just sitting at my desk and playing on my phone since I'd finished up with reading all my emails and replying I got up and headed to Alejandro's. I usual don't go there since only really get more morning and maybe an after coffee from their if I'm working on a big project but I decide to go their since the food was fiiiinnnnneeee. I mean I've had poached eggs on sourdough many times but it was really good yesterday so I'm gonna go their again today and have a lunch thing this time.
I wondered if I would see my colleague and her son again as I walked to the elevator and across the street.

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