The One Where A Boy Could Wish(Part 1)

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After getting back to work I saw Lauren a few times each of us giving smiles to one another and slight blush appearing on us both as we did. There was definitely something brewing between us I might not be completely romantic or anything like that but honestly I was fine with anything as along as I got to be with her.

I headed home after four thirty and just binged shows on Netflix cause I had nothing better to do and I definitely wasn't up for a run. A couple hours ran past I decide to go to bed cause of work not really caring that I hadn't had a proper dinner since I had already eaten a bunch of snacks. Turning off all the lights and the tv headed off to sleep thinking about the events of today.

Lauren's POV:
"Mama, Mama wake up" I slowly stir and turn towards Val seeing him stand there fully energetic. "Mama you gotta get up Mama we're going to see pretty ladies car!"He's slightly louder tone fully wakes me up.

"Well come on than let's get you dressed" We head to Vals room "I want to wear this'd shoes mama" He's says pointing towards red Nikey Jordan's I nod my head and pick out the rest of his outfit. Deciding to give him a black t-shirt and his black adidas tracksuit since it was going to be a little windy today. After I had gotten him dressed we headed to the kitchen I turned his shoes on as I started to make some scrambled eggs and a much needed coffee.

"Val breakfast ready hopping off the sofa he walks up to me and I pick him up and put him in his highchair placing his bowl of scrambled eggs in front of him and water from a sippie cup . "What do we say?" I ask Val he turns his eyes to me "Thankyou" I give him a smile "Your welcome mi amore".

I headed back into the kitchen and served myself some scrambled eggs on toast with a bit of avocado and a glass of orange. I sitting back at the table watching Vals shows, finishing up my food I helped clean up Vals face and helped him out of his highchair placing him on the ground as he ran back to the sofa. I picked up our plate and bowl added with my glass and placed them in the dishwasher

"Val I'm gonna get ready for work okay be good" I say he nods he's had in return and I left to go have a shower. Heading into the shower I kept thinking of Amiyah and what was going to happen today, putting that aside I had to get ready otherwise I would just keeping thinking of that until time past on. I brushed my teeth and started picking out my work clothes, I put them on and started to do my hair and face. Putting some light makeup on as usual and headed to Val and brushed he's teeth too and doing his hair a bit so he looked nice. Deciding that we both looked good I grabbed Valentino's bag and my purse an headed out the door.
Heading to my car I place Valentino in his booster seat close his door and head around the car to the drivers side door. Entering the car I couldn't stop thinking about what's going to happen today I mean a barely know Amiyah but somehow I'm excited to see her like some school girl.
I haven't felt like this in a long time not since Serena or even Marco, my ex even then I didn't feel like this not until later on in the relationship. My god what am I thinking I'm not even dating Amiyah but here I'am growing these strong feelings towards her, it's not sexual but the women's body is to die for, I just feel drawn towards her. I want to know things about her like what was her childhood like, what are her friends like, what's her family like, does she have any siblings? It's stuff like that I'm curious about, I'm drawn to her and to satisfy this curiosity I need to learn more about her in a sense otherwise my head will be on overdrive.

Realising that I'm almost at Valentino's day care  I turn to see Valentino in the mirror seeing him with a content smile on his face and swaying his legs, the site made my heart melt he looked so cute. Reaching the traffic lights I wait until they turn green, "Your gonna be good today right mi amore?" I ask questionably looking in the mirror to see him. It's not that he's a bad kid at day care or anything I just always ask him most of the time that question.

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