The One Where They Went Together

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"Alright that seems to fit, cmon Val lets get you into your seat" Lauren starts to place her arms out to me after finishing putting in Valentino's car seat into my car. I start to hand Valentino over to Lauren since I was still holding him while we waited for Lauren to place the seat in. Handing him over I start to walk around the the door to the drivers door to turn on the engine to start up the air conditioner. I opened the passenger side door for Lauren when she came back from strapping in Valentino into his car seat. Lauren then strapped herself in and I started to pull out of the parking spot.

"Guess you got that little drive of yours little guy" I say more towards myself with a smile as I look into the rear view mirror to see his legs kicking up in excitement with a smile on his face. "So where are we heading to?" I ask Lauren "Oh, right hang on a minute let me just put it into google maps", she says slightly jumpy.

"Alright", Lauren says after placing the address in and setting up her phone so I could see the directions. I glanced at the phone noticing it wouldn't take long to get there after all we were in New York but that also makes it hectic to give directions to someone since this is New York and it's quite chaotic. Trying to bring up conversation between Lauren and I, "So how's work been with the new project?" I ask Lauren cringing at myself

She chuckles slightly, "It's going, still in the early processes so nothing too big yet has happened so far" I nod in response. "So what does the great Amiyah Malcolm get up to on the weekend eh?" Lauren says turning towards me more looking into my eyes causing heat to form on my cheeks, lucky that it's not very noticeable on my skin tone. Blessing the melanin. "Ah nothing too interesting it mostly contains Netflix and food with an occasional run, or unless my idiotic friend hits me up then my weekends are full of regret and a big hangover" I say slightly embarrassed I'd opened up too much I mean it's not like we haven't talked about stuff because I mean we've talked a lot about deep personal stuff not everything but I can tell we have some sort of mutual trust in one another. So why am I embarrassed?

She chuckles, "Sounds like your weekends are interesting, what about this weekend" As the lights turn green I respond back. "Well it will probably involve a lot of binging of shows and proper home cooked meals made by moi as I watch them" I say smiling at her. "What about you little man what are you doing this weekend?" I ask looking in the rear view mirror to look at Valentino as the lights changed.

"PAINTING", he states quite loudly, I've started to notice he's quite loud sometimes when he's really excited. As with any child but just a bit more. "Oh yeah that sounds like fun" I say

"He loves to paint when I'm painting" Lauren says turning towards me as Valentino is in his own world. "Out of all the things we've talked about painting was not one of them, so you're a painter" I ask, OMG this women is gorgeous I've always had a thing for people who can paint I just find it to be an attractive talent.
"Yeah I've been a painter as long as I can remember, my father was a painter so that's were I picked it up" She states and turn and smile at her.

"Alright were here" I say pulling into the parking area of the building. We both hop out off the car with me in tow following to help Lauren with Valentino as she grabs her stuff. We start to head into the doctors office which I notice with Valentino in the middle of Lauren and I as he's arm is slightly raised to hold Lauren's hand which I thought was really adorable. We enter through the building already hit by the warmth in the room from the heaters I presume. Lauren starts to walk over to the receptionist with me following in tow,
"Hi an appointment for Lauren Sanchez", Lauren says looking down at the receptionist who smiles warmly at her.

"Hi lovely your appointment with Dr Fong should be in about another five minutes please take a seat in the meantime", the receptionist shines a warm smile upon both Lauren, Valentino and I. I courteously respond back with the same smile as does Lauren and she says her thank you's. We head over into the waiting room with Lauren holding Valentino on her hip. We both take a seat in the waiting room chairs as we wait for Lauren's appointment, I notice that Lauren's tense and her leg is bouncing slightly. I place my hand on her knee to stop her looking in her eyes with worry.

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